His hit “Banana Split” was chosen by Apple for a spot already seen more than 8 million times. What bail out the coffers of the artist, who has never hidden his financial galleys.
Par Marc Fourny

© Valery Hache/AFP
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Lhe spring promises to be fruitful for Lio: the singer saw her famous hit “Banana Split”, released in 1979, come back in force to promote the iPhone 14, both on social networks and on prime time television. In the spot, a man uses his yellow-colored cell phone – hence the choice of the song – before suddenly transforming into a cartoon character and roaming the streets to the tunes of the popular hit. Posted on YouTube mid-Marchthe clip has already been seen more than 8 million times and should give a second life to the tangy song that launched Lio’s career.
“This ad is a cartoon. And Lio too, it’s a cartoon, reacted the Belgian singer on the site of the Parisian. The ad is funny and the song too… Happy for the Banana Split and for my apple, we stay in the fruit! »
Even if she is only an interpreter of the song, here is a planetary contract which should put a lot of butter in her spinach… This is confirmed by the Belgian Jacques Duvall, the author of the lyrics. “I think my accountant will be happy… A few months ago, Dan Lacksman, the producer of the original version, contacted me to tell me that Apple wanted to use Banana Split for iPhone. I’m very poor in business, but people of good advice told me: above all, do not refuse… »
“I live in a tense flow”
Lio has never hidden that she was not rolling in gold, despite her big successes in the 1980s. Being only a performer, her royalties on songs remain minimal, “between 5,000 and 12,000 euros per year” according to her, paid by the Civil society for the administration of the rights of the artists and the performing musicians (Adami).
Bohemian artist, mother of six children, Lio has always sought the cachet by chaining tours, contracts for television (Dance with the stars, The Voice Belgium), TV series… “I don’t live badly, but I live just in time, she confided last year to Gala. I have no cash. I never cared about all that […] I have always lived in a suitcase. »
READ ALSO“Shit in the ears! “: why “New Star” was a hitWill the hit “Banana Split” go around the world? The impact of such advertisements should not be overlooked: the title “New Soul”, by Yael Naim, was a hit in several countries, particularly in the United States, after being chosen by Apple to promote the MacBook Air in 2008.
It remains to be seen whether the licentious character of the “Banana Split” will not cause too many waves… Five months ago, Lio said that he regretted the double meaning lyrics of his song, which she performed when she was still a minor. “I had the feeling that I was playing with something that was taboo”, she explained in an interview granted for the writing of the book. All for music (Hugo Image, October 2022). “And I find that everything that is taboo, you have to shake it up a bit, she continued. But now I wouldn’t have the same position at all, especially when it comes to incest…”