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Lino Paganelli, dead historic organizer of the Feste dell’Unità

“A man full of political passion is leaving, a man who loved the Democratic Party very much and who gave a lot to the Democratic Party”. With these words also the Democratic secretary Elly Schlein remembers the historic organizer of the Feste dell’Unità, Lino Paganelli, passed away today. But it is the whole party that is united in grief over the death of the leader.

“From the PCI to the PDS to the DS and the Pd – he recalls Piero Fassino, secretary of the left-wing Democrats from 2001 to 2007 – put intelligence, passion and dedication at the service of good politics. I will always remember the generosity and tenacious patience with which he carried out his tasks.”

“I mourn with pain and great sadness the passing of Lino Paganelli, a passionate militant and competent and committed collaborator”, writes the former dem secretary on social media Enrico Letta. “Hello Lino, intelligent and creative comrade, protagonist of the last great season of the Feste de l’Unità. More than any other leader, you understood the power of those events”, recalls the PD deputy and former Minister of Labor Andrea Orlando. While Walter Veltroni post on Instagram: “Lino too, a great person who didn’t deserve so much suffering.”

“I have no words, but only tears,” the Democratic senator writes on social media Filippo Sensi. “He was a cultured and gentle man, always loyal to his party,” she recalls Luigi Zanda. “The PD will miss his presence and his style so much,” says the former PD secretary Nicola Zingaretti.

#Lino #Paganelli #dead #historic #organizer #Feste #dellUnità
– 2024-04-11 03:56:30

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