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Linni seeks the dream prince, Linni master

In recent weeks, suitor after suitor has had to leave idyllic Kragerø in the TV program “Linni seeks the dream prince”, where Linni Meister (36) tries to find love. In Monday’s episode, however, it was different.

Also read: Linni Meister sheds tears after TV dumping: – I thought she “faked” it

For Linni Meister, the choice of who she wanted to date further became so difficult that she refused to send anyone home.

– The production had set up a plan that I had to send home a suitor every time. But it did not work this time. I told them: “I understand that this is a TV recording and that this is a TV show, but for me this is my life and love means everything to me. I need more time. I’m not a robot “, says Linni Meister to Nettavisen.

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– I was completely out of my mind

With only four suitors left, it has really started to sharpen in the competition to win Linni Meister’s heart, something Meister himself felt well on his body and had problems with.

Meister tells Nettavisen that at that time she was very tired both physically and mentally after the intense run of dating. In a very short time she had to get to know and place her feelings towards several men at the same time, which became much more difficult than she had first imagined.

Also read: Remy (32) makes trouble for the Linni suitors: – A lot that is not included on TV

– I ran from one date to the next almost, and I had to use my entire emotional register all the time. I did not sleep in the end. I was completely out of my mind. I think it was really tough and difficult, says Meister to Nettavisen.

However, Meister’s wish was well received by the production. Last year, when host Jan Thomas was to find his dream prince on TV in the same concept, production had to do the same.

– They had a great understanding of my wish. Jan Thomas supported me very much and said that he had said and done exactly the same as me when he was with, says Meister.

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Claiming it was not planned

According to Meister, the choice was not made to create excitement in the program. The choice was a wish Meister himself expressed, and nothing Jan Thomas or anyone else had advised her to do.

– We sat down every night after we had recorded with the producer, who also had Jan Thomas’ program, where we went through the day. They asked how I was doing. I went through very heavy and difficult things, and they were very supportive, says Meister.

According to the well-known influencer and TV profile, she and the production agreed on the choice not to send anyone freer home so that Meister could buy himself a little more time to get to know them even better.

Also read: Ørjan (34) secured the first kiss of the season. Then he was sent home

The same is also confirmed by Discovery, which sends “Linni seeks the dream prince”, to Nettavisen and says that the productions are used to being flexible.

– Linni needed more time before she could make a choice about who should be sent home, so then she got it. The fact that it was a program she did not send anyone home did not present any major challenges for the production, even though it was not planned. They are used to being flexible and changing plans if necessary, says press contact for the program, Marianne Aambø, to Nettavisen.

– I love making TV and such, but this is something completely different than “just” making TV. I’ll actually find someone I like and I’ll actually introduce this man to my child. But I did myself a little disservice, because next week I have to send home two, says Meister and laughs.

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