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Line 15 South: on the route of the new Boulogne-Billancourt and Sèvres metro

From the completion of the earthworks to the completion of the civil engineering works, the sites of the Grand Paris Express in Boulogne-Billancourt and Sèvres proceed at different rates. A look at the milestones of the Pont de Sèvres station and the Puits Île de Monsieur construction sites.

With the Grand Paris Express, connected to the existing transport network, new horizons are offered to the residents of Boulon and Sévres. In Boulogne-Billancourt there are only 8m left to excavate before reaching the floor of the future Pont de Sèvres station. On the other side of the coast, in Sèvres, the construction of the internal structures of the well of the Île de Monsieur will be completed in the autumn. Find out the progress of these sites in the new site mail.

The main phases of the construction of the Pont de Sèvres station in 2022

Started in July 2021, the earthworks of the three underground levels of the station will finish in October 2022. Subsequently, the last civil engineering works of the station will continue until mid-2023. At the same time, the teams of the Horizon group have started construction of the roof slab for the passenger building. The teams will then be able to work in a “mole”, that is, under the shelter of the slab to excavate the internal space of the building. This technique makes it possible in particular to limit discomfort and the release of dust. Finally, the construction of the corridor connecting with line 9 of the underground is proceeding. The space occupied by the construction site in the bus station has been cleared, thus allowing workers to return the D910 to its initial configuration at the end of July. Now is the time for the last connection works between the future line 15 South and line 9.

The progress of the works at the station is also reflected in the gradual reopening of the roads closed for construction. Thus, this summer the rue du Vieux Pont de Sèvres and the RD1 (direction Paris) were reopened to road traffic. The full reopening of RD1 in both directions is scheduled for early 2023.

Soon the end of the civil engineering works on the Puits Île de Monsieur site in Sèvres

Starting point of the Laurence drill, which dug 4.2 km of tunnels between Sèvres and Clamart, the Île de Monsieur shaft is now almost complete. By November 2022, the civil engineering phase will be fully finalized and a new company will become site manager to carry out the development and equipment works.

Discover in video the layout and equipment of the new metro:

96% of the rubble evacuated from the river to limit disturbances

In Sèvres and Boulogne, the Société du Grand Paris uses the evacuation of rubble by river, thus limiting the movement of several thousand trucks in the district. Of the 680,000 tons of rubble generated by the excavation of the Laurence drill, 96% was evacuated by barge, thus avoiding around 22,000 trucks in the sector.

In Pont de Sèvres, thanks to this operation, the circulation of 6,300 trucks, loaded with 30 tons of rubble, was thus avoided. In total, 94,600 m3 of earth will be excavated to excavate all levels of the station, the equivalent of 207 barges.

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