Home » today » News » Linda Mūrniece is glad that the usual everyday life has returned to Tērbatas Street – Celebrities – Apollo.lv – Entertainment

Linda Mūrniece is glad that the usual everyday life has returned to Tērbatas Street – Celebrities – Apollo.lv – Entertainment

We have already reported that Mūrniece has repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with what is happening on Tērbatas Street on Twitter.

Well, she has shared her feelings, returning to the usual everyday life on Tērbatas Street.

“The usual everyday life has returned to Tērbatas Street. The usual everyday noises and the opportunity to live a normal life. I have no doubt that the pedestrian street is nice and the trees rented for a month refresh it. However, you can’t change the rules during the game.

This street is inhabited by people who have chosen it for life and not for an eternal party.

People have small children who want to sleep during the day. There are old people, sick, who want to relax. After all – drive your car to the door of the house, because you simply can not pass … “- she writes.

The bricklayer continues: “It is nice to walk down the street, a few hours to sit and return to your usual home. While for those who live on Terbatas Street – the last month was scary.

A constant roar of voices, different music from each burger bus, street musicians trying to shout at each other. Smoke from grills, oil smell. Screaming drunk until morning.

The garbage truck is already at six in the morning, because you have to collect the rubbish bins along the side of the street. Crowds of people, among whom mothers could not protrude with prams. Yes – and those events where you have forced each other so that you can’t get through the door … “

“No, I’m not complaining. I have been living in the countryside for a month when Riga was needed, I lived in an apartment behind closed windows. What surprised me was the hatred of the residents of Tērbatas Street who would dare to live here. “Someone started to call themselves. From” to live elsewhere if you don’t like it “to a comment in” baby “when there was nothing to say,” emphasizes Mūrniece.

She concludes: “I have the right to want a peaceful life in a taxed house. Like others, I have the right to walk along Terbatas Street. And both sides have the right to express their views without risking such names.”

The usual idea has returned to Tērbatas Street. The usual daily noises and the opportunity to live a normal life. I have no doubt that …

Posted by Linda Mūrniece on Monday, August 17, 2020

We remind you that from July 17, one month, the Riga municipality implemented the idea of ​​the city’s summer street for the first time in an experiment, allocating Tērbatas Street to pedestrians, cyclists, traders and on weekends – to the cultural program.

“The main goal of the experiment is to find out whether Tērbatas Street can function as a pedestrian and bicycle street. Regardless of what the results of the evaluation of the experiment will show, we are happy to remove this issue from the municipal agenda, which has been there for more than 12 years. has demanded flexibility and adaptation from both the residents and the municipality, and in my opinion Riga is able to do great things for the long – term well – being of the residents, “said Edvins Balševics, the head of the Riga City Municipality ‘s interim administration.

In order to evaluate the results of the experiment, Riga Municipality will continue the face-to-face surveys and data collection of residents and entrepreneurs until September 16, as well as the internal evaluation of the initiative. All results will also be submitted to the new council for consideration. The questionnaire is also available in electronic form – on the portal “riga.lv”.

Photo: evening on Terbatas Street

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