Home » today » News » “Linda from butcher shop Van Gool” from song Kommil Foo really exists

“Linda from butcher shop Van Gool” from song Kommil Foo really exists

“The reason Linda is in our song? That is actually pure coincidence. We were looking for a family name that rhymed at school. We come from Essen, a village further than Achterbroek, and there were also children with the name Van Gool at school. We will probably have remembered the billboards along the main road to the butcher’s shop,” says Raf. And why Linda? “That first name was really chosen by chance. But this is no longer a coincidence for me. I am very happy to hear Linda,” says Raf. “It’s completely mutual”, Linda laughs.

Normally Raf would have been physically there to surprise Linda. “But unfortunately I’m sick in bed with the flu. I could use a meat broth from butcher shop Van Gool”, Raf winks. “That can be arranged,” laughs Linda. He had one more message for the gentlemen of Kommil Foo: “Keep playing Spaceman everywhere so that it continues to score high in all rankings.”

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