“I think it’s important, it’s also tradition”, Linda tells her magazine. Every year she goes out big and then her ‘in-laws come over from Zeeland, sometimes friends come, Christmas breakfast the next day’. In any case, the presenter does not sit still during the holidays. “I love to celebrate Christmas at home.” Moreover, there are ‘three main ingredients’ for the perfect celebration: “Family, good food and good food”, laughs Linda.
Linda also talks about her first Christmas with her great love Jeroen. The two had only just been together and ‘completely in love’ when they first celebrated Christmas together. They both celebrated it with their own families and spent one day together. “Being in love and then celebrating Christmas is really great”, says Linda. “We had a really good meal. I worked really hard in the kitchen. And what did we do? You can guess what we did.”
Linda loves winter so much that she might even want to give her successful program Linda’s Summer Week a winter touch. She tells all about it in the video below.