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Lina Shaker reveals to Al-Masry Al-Youm the developments of her health condition after suffering cancer

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Lina Shaker, the presenter of the Nile Variety Channel, said in a special statement to Al-Masry Al-Youm, “I am fine, praise be to God. I have finished taking all the treatments, and I ask for a period of calm and I will smell myself, but a little.”

Lina wrote her personal experience, about her suffering with cancer and her encounter with it to recover. Lina spoke for the first time about that experience and wrote through her personal account on the Facebook site: “I lived with my mother, may God have mercy on her. They were 11 and a half years old .. The amount of pain that I lived with with her in this experience is terrifying. Two days before her death, while we were in the hospital, you met me with books of words, as if I were writing books of her consciousness. The important thing is that at this moment, I saw the wisdom of our Lord with regard to all that promised him, and I praised him and thanked him because I felt that this was the sweetest thing I did in my life .. as if our Lord condemned me at a time that I loved her more and spoiled her and be her A good girl, and I will be beside her at every moment, as long as she was, because she was a real angel, and the tenderest and best six in the world.

And Lina continued, speaking of her mother: “The doctor who made the detection for the first time shook me and said that you die, you are ignorant! But she did not go out at the time and lived. Praise be to God, and the doctors after that. They told me that I worked for the record and that she lived for many years, and this did not happen. She died 11 and a half years later .. Our Lord is capable of everything, no matter what we have knowledge, he has a time and its destiny. Then I kept saying a lot that I am not caught in the world and I am ready to walk at any moment because I don’t feel happy in need of salvation..Give me my friend, you want to get lost..Of course, one of them is like she has the long experience. This is real. I was shocked, but I did not know, but like what I faced every moment with my mother strongly He also faced the period of the process and the chemical with strength, and our Lord will perpetuate the healing and health … I agreed with him while he was in the chemo session, describing me a feeling of restraint, because I wanted to know Mama, may God have mercy on her, was feeling him, and because I did not forget in one of the chemo sessions, Mama was in one of six in his sitting Kimo, too, beside us, but she was in pain and complaining to our Lord in a loud voice .. This one made my heart and I stayed for a long time and felt that my mother is six strong, and may God have mercy on her. ”

And about her suffering with illness, she said: What is important is that I have been free for a year, and I am trying to clear my hair Curly. Of course, it suffers seriously, but in order to survive, I bought a wig to wear it at work until my hair was set and improved, and I came at a time when I looked for wig like that and I said you think you need it one day if you take a Kimo like this I couldn’t be sure, but it was an idea that crossed my mind. First, the year is over and my hair is starting to improve, and Curly remains. The surprise happened that, by chance, I felt that I had such a problem in my body and immediately I started to see what this is. The truth is that I did not see the news, this is the same as the rest of the people, that it is true that the moment of the collapse was while I was doing the mammogram and I didn’t have diagnosed it, but because I was praying to our Lord that he would take me while I was on my leg and in my health and I thought that he would write it to me, but at that moment I got upset because I started to feel in it what And he thought to me of all that I lived with my mama and the truth is that I don’t want to live it again with anyone dear or dear to me, and I used to think that I had taken my share of the disease in all that I lived and saw it with my mother, but it turned out that he wrote to me is not that and faster than what I had imagined I was saying for sure I was going It was like a mama, but you did not imagine that it would be my turn like this, and I have 43 years and led me to know myself the feeling and the timing of the chemical and radiological sessions as well.

And I stressed that it is all, God willing, and the important thing is that anyone who has this battle or war is trying to raise his morale, and our Lord is alive and appreciates him .. He tries to stunt any need or anyone who upsets him so that he who annoys you does not want to remove from you your pain and your pain and his illness and because there is no need In this world it begins.

Lina sent advice to her followers: Try to be on the side of those who love you hard and make you happy. In the first, I liked that the subject did not know and did not tell many people, among my companions and my family, because I didn’t want someone to be upset or worried, or even to distract them from this news or look at him with sadness or compassion …. After the 8 months that has passed, for now, I am ready to say For the whole world, I don’t want anything but because I need one thing..It is that I will be a source of strength or inspiration, and I assure all people that this is not the end of the world and that this is normal, a disease like any possible disease that afflicts us, and in people born with diseases or disabilities, and our Lord is destined to be strong And we are dazzled by its will and power

And she added: And like they told me, Mama is dying .. This did not happen, and our Lord, praise be to God, has extended her life .. There is no one among us who knows, our Lord has written for him, and he does not live with what, because of that. We are strong and we fight because of what we love, or even because of our time

Lina explained: “I have been with me for many years, I did not do a photo session, and I decided that this is the form in which the photo will be created .. I am without hair because of this and I think of me and I say to every one or one of them going through this experience, you are not alone, millions who are exposed to it. Daily and this is not the end of the world

And she continued: “It is true that I could not go down and walk on the street like that, but I am able to imagine that and I will put it on the wall and I will not be disturbed or annoyed..and put it on all the groups that I am in so that we encourage some that we are not upset and not broken and that the day will come that we can walk in The street is like this, and we don’t want the wig and we will be strong and satisfied .. No one knows our Lord, how is this opportunity to arrange your papers and know what you want is real and verify it and know what is really worthy and who do you want in your life and who is not important to complete with you, this is just a period and I am concerned with all your love And here I must thank all those who supported me from my family, my friends and colleagues who gave me the reason that I am strong in their love, stubbornness and loyalty, and I do not know I write your names because you are so many, but true. Leah. I know that it is a page and its heart, and I will be ready to spend you, O Lord, and satisfied with him. Praise be to God..Our Lord strengthens and heals every patient, Lord God, and humiliates him and all his loved ones .. It is true that you are so humiliated about me. “And whoever comes is better .. God willing..I do not keep his wisdom, because I still do not know it, but I sure know it. I am sure my life will change, and God willing, for the better.”

And she recommended: “Trust to everyone I have on the wall and my grandmother knows, please, no one else says it, because I don’t say it. I always want her to be reassuring for all of us, and our Lord sustains her health.”

Lina Shaker concluded her words: “The photo will be launched. I don’t want to do it except with my love, which I don’t stay behind, and I’m sure thank you with all my heart that you helped me with what I want to do… I thank you for your stubbornness and for your time.”

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