The Prime Minister is gradually unveiling the main lines of her plan in favor of gender equality. After the creation of centers specializing in domestic violence, Elisabeth Borne wants to toughen the treatment of sexual violence.
This is one of the key points of the new plan for gender equality presented by Élisabeth Borne: better handling of cases of sexual violence. For this, the Prime Minister wishes to review the framework of the limitation period for serial rape.
Concretely, in the case of serial rapes, the limitation period will only begin on the date of the most recent rape, and will apply to all victims. This will allow victims whose assault is time-barred to have access to a trial.
This measure, in force since last year for the rapes of children, is for the moment only at the stage of the bill. To be extended to adults, it will have to be validated by Parliament.
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Another point of hardening: the penalties incurred in rape cases. Currently, the maximum sentence for rape, regardless of the number of victims, is 20 years. Elisabeth Borne wants to make it evolve to reach 30 years of criminal imprisonment.
The measures proposed by the Prime Minister are not only punitive. In the less serious cases of sexist and sexual violence, Élisabeth Borne would like to see the implementation of works of general interest designed specifically to prevent recidivism.
Finally, two expert missions will be launched. The first, entrusted to the High Council for Equality between Men and Women, will be responsible for working on the care of victims of sexual violence. The second will look at sexist and sexual violence through the prism of authority relations, whether in the workplace or in sport.