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Lima: Mother’s Letter | She abandoned her baby | Priest Omar Sánchez | Villa M

Last Wednesday, the priest Omar Sánchez found a at the door of the Beatitudes Association in , and decided to baptize her as Mary Magdalene to coincide with the day of celebration of the saint of the Catholic religion.

The girl was very clean, changed and bathed. Inside the bassinet was a can of formula milk, diapers, wet cloths and change clothes. ”, the father said to ‘Juliana style’.

“I could not allow you to live the hell that I live”: Letter from mother who abandoned her baby (VIDEO)

Inside the cloth crib, where the little girl was, was a paper handwritten by the mother of the baby, to whom he asked forgiveness for his action.

What did the letter say?

“Dear daughter, I apologize for what I have just done. I couldn’t allow you to live the hell that I live. I hope my God can forgive me ”read Omar Sánchez in the mentioned program.

LOOK: Priest finds abandoned baby on the doorstep: “Just pray for mom and us so we can continue helping”

In the letter, the mother also apologized to the priest for leaving her baby. I know that with you it will be betterplease take care of her ”, finished the woman.

How did the priest react?

The father Omar she began to cry and prayed to God for her mother, who was going through serious problems that forced her to make a difficult decision.

“When I read this note I started to cry, I approached God, I became most holy to pray for that woman ”he narrated.

Will the baby stay with the father?

According to the program hosted by Juliana Oxenford, Sánchez warned the Ministry of women and it was determined to stay with the association until the investigations last.


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