90-year anniversary on April 24 will celebrate the primacy of the Bulgarian stage Lily Ivanova. Although in the last two decades Lily has adhered to the theory that she was born in 1939, in fact, a number of indisputable facts indicate that during socialism her passport was falsified, and she was rejuvenated with the knowledge of the authorities, writes “Retro”.
The megastar’s real birth date was actually April 24, 1934.
A simple calculation shows that in a matter of days Lily turns a dignified 90. The main evidence supporting the theory that the singer is the 34th set are the testimonies of her own godmother Lydia Stancheva. She is a former director of the “Estradna Direktsia”, an extremely close friend of the primate and was once invited by her to be her best man at her wedding to the composer Ivan Peev. This date of birth was confirmed during her lifetime by Lily’s colleague and colleague Snezhana Kratova.
According to people familiar with the music industry, the change in date of birth happened more than 50 years ago. Then Lili Ivanova was supposed to go to Chile, where she would participate in a big international music forum. The problem was that the organizers required that the participants should not exceed the age of 30. So the native services quietly tampered with Lily’s passport so that she could meet the regulations and go to the prestigious festival.
However, at the time, in his TV interview, the primate revealed that he knows when and how he will leave this world, thanks to his meetings with the prophetess Vanga.
“Aunt Vanga was like a second mother to me, she helped me, but she didn’t spare me anything. We saw each other at least once a month until he left this world. She prophesied to me the exact date of death, the place, she even said that I would be in the company of a woman in my last hour,” the singer sensationally confided. She adds that the clairvoyant from Rupite also predicted her creativity and longevity. She told her that “she will live with the eagles and leave with a microphone in her hand.”
Vanga meant that the icon of Bulgarian music would continue to sing until the end of his life.
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