Home » News » Lilac. A man will be tried on January 5 for raping and killing his cat

Lilac. A man will be tried on January 5 for raping and killing his cat

Illustrative photo : Andrew Umansky / Unsplash.

The Stéphane Lamart association revealed the case on Tuesday 3 January in a press release. On Thursday 5 January, a 55-year-old man will be tried in the Lille court for ill-treatment of one of his cats. He was prosecuted for raping his cat. Abuse that ended up causing the death of the animal.

The cat did not survive

The events took place in Hautbourdin (North) between 1 and 9 August. On August 9, this Hautbourdin resident requested veterinary emergencies. She then evokes the situation of her cat, who suffers a disembowelment. The animal’s entrails had protruded about four inches from an opening the size of a dime. During the interview, the man ended up acknowledging that his cat had been a victim of zoophilia.

The veterinary emergency call center immediately alerted the Cause animal Nord association, which convinced the man to take his cat to a veterinary clinic in the Lille region.

The cat is then seen by a vet. His conclusions are chilling. He reports a uterine tear, vulvar dilation and vaginal prolapse. Injuries that he believes are compatible with sexual abuse such as vaginal penetration.

The cat did not survive her abuse.

26 other cats lived in her home in ‘terrible conditions’

Supported by the Stéphane Lamart association, the Cause animal North association then carried out its investigations.

A process that culminates on August 17 with the arrest of the cat’s owner. Six police officers intervened at his home and seized all the animals present at the request of the Lille public prosecutor.

Police then got their hands on about twenty other cats who were alive “in terrible condition”according to the Stéphane Lamart association. “The smell of urine was everywhere and unbearable. A cat was dying in the house. He died a few hours later at a vet. And 26 other cats were sadly piled up at the bottom of the garden in a small shed littered with excrement and urine.reports the Stéphane Lamart association in its press release.

The animals seized and their owner judged on January 5th

All the animals were seized and entrusted to the Lille Animal Protection League.

As for their owner, he was placed in police custody following this seizure.

It will be presented at the Lille court on the afternoon of Thursday 5 January. The Stéphane Lamart association has already indicated that it would appear as a civil party at the hearing.

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