we, there issie hear. The short-awaited new single from Lil’ Autodeurkunstenaar together with his best friend Boef, now his other best friend Mohammed J. is in the cell. Blabla she cheated, she takes dope, he’s above it and it’s all the worst for the kid. What a bitch fight. We’re done now. They fool the whole of the Netherlands. It’s a real life soap called Bad Times Bad Times, and they are the protagonists themselves. The role of Lil’ Kleine is played by Jorik Scholten and the role of Jaimie Vaes is played by Jocelyn Wildenstein. The director of the story is Johan Nijenhuis, from that sugary Costa! and Rather In Love cuddly cinema, because the ending must of course happy are. Then they only have an STD, but the violence and drug use turned out to be a joke. The credits therefore contain a very large message from the Stay van m’n Lijf Group because it was all just a reality check to ourselves. Are you being nice enough to your girlfriend? Do you occasionally bring a bunch of flowers? Do you make sure you NEVER jam your girlfriend’s head in a car door? The music is by Boef – who can rap hard, but that pitched crack as a chorus – dude, just cut it. Koen Kardashian is played by someone else with Lego Blokje 4 as the head, for the role of Estelle Cruijff they managed to get Olcay Gulsen. Olcay really got into her role by injecting botox for a year before filming and inflating her lips with a Joe Blow bicycle pump. The recordings took place in Ibiza and in Doetinchem-South. Bowgie the dog is played by Lassie – unfortunately he died of a coke overdose after only 1 episode. Don’t fall for it people, it’s a trick.