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Likes to Eat Raw Eggs, Doctor: Dangers for the Body

VIVAEgg is one of the sources of protein that is highly nutritious and very easy to process into delicious dishes. In fact, not a few associate consumption raw egg can provide better benefits to the body.

Apparently, it’s just an opinion and even dangerous for the body. Because, raw eggs actually contain millions bacteria which can enter the body and infect and cause disease.

“Because raw eggs contain affin, which are anti-nutritional substances. Consumption of raw eggs causes interference with the use of nutrients from the eggs. Risks can also cause infection due to germs from eggs,” said the Nutrition Specialist, dr. Sanny Ngatidjan M.Gizi, Sp.GK, in the Healthy Living event, TvOne, Friday 8 October 2021.

For this reason, Sanny’s doctor recommends eating eggs in a cooked state. From the cooked egg, the nutrients in it will be more useful and absorbed by the body.

“Egg whites are mostly protein and there is no limit to the consumption of protein for adults,” he said.

However, it is necessary to be careful for someone with a disorder kidney because the protein is at great risk of burdening the kidneys. In the egg yolk also has many nutrients that are good for the body.

“Egg yolks also contain protein for cell regeneration and new cell formation and vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A for eye health, vitamin D in collaboration with calcium for bones and teeth. Also for optimizing immunity,” he explained.

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