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Like today .. the launch of the global Mars detector on the red planet in November 1996 – News portal

“Zay Today” 26 years ago, NASA launched the Mars Global Surveyor mission, and this was the first mission NASA sent to Mars in nearly 20 years, on November 7, 1996.

The spacecraft was Mars Global Surveyor It’s an orbiter and has relayed data from NASA’s Mars Sojourner, Spirit and Opportunity rover to Earth, and the spacecraft has also done much of its science, finding surface channels on Mars that appear to be caused by running water, according to space.

And checked the company Mars Global Surveyor The south pole of Mars and I noticed signs of possible climate change, and I also saw a mineral called hematite on the surface of Mars, where hematite usually forms in water, and then NASA sent its Spirit rovers and Opportunity to search for hematite, and both vehicles found it near their landing sites.

survived Mars Global Surveyor Much longer than expected, but a spacecraft accidentally exposes one of its batteries to the sun and the spacecraft loses energy.

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