Home » today » News » Like Lyon, Rennes will adopt a “gender” budget, to correct inequalities between men and women

Like Lyon, Rennes will adopt a “gender” budget, to correct inequalities between men and women

After Lyon, Rennes is the second French metropolis to soon adopt a “gender-sensitive” municipal budget. The principle is simple: check that the city council’s budget is in favor of equality between men and women.

To better understand what a “gendered” budget means, let’s take a concrete example. In the schoolyard, the football field is in the center. Who benefits? Mostly boys. The girls turn around to play other games.

In the city, you have a wasteland. A soccer field is being built there. Those who benefit from it are mostly men. And the women have to be content with the concrete benches all around.

In this example, the money spent was therefore used exclusively to satisfy the boys..

The High Council for Equality between Women and Men confirms inequalities in the public space. “Studies show, for example, that the funding allocated to sports predominantly practiced by men is greater than that practiced mainly by women”.

The “gender” budget is therefore a “gender sensitive” municipal budget. A tool to measure these inequalities, so as not to accentuate and correct them.

This concept already exists in our neighboring countries, in Austria, in the United Kingdom.

Concretely, how will it work?

The city of Rennes will start by analyzing the aid it pays to associations. For example, she will observe how many men and how many women benefit from these grants.

It is obvious that in certain associations, one will find mainly men. And in others, mostly women. There is no question of removing subsidies from one or the other.

The first step is to measure how much of public spending benefits men and how much benefits women.

With the aim of rebalancing things and progressing towards equal treatment between the genders.

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