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Like a retired doctor

The distribution of roles is quickly clear: Johanna Engelhardt gives the “victim” first. And Hardy Hälbig the “culprit”. Whereby the perpetrator-victim scheme does not work. Because both actually want to be some kind of benefactor. For your 20 colleagues. “We have a family atmosphere in the team. That’s why it feels like you’re doing something good for your family, ”explains Johanna Engelhardt.

Greatest possible security for the staff

“Victim” and “perpetrator” are part of the corona rapid test training that the two employees of the outlaw day-care center on Rehefelder Straße with Professor Dr. Michael Laniado graduate. The wiry 68-year-old was the head of the Institute and Polyclinic for Radiological Diagnostics at the Dresden University Hospital. Now he is training test staff at the independent carrier Outlaw gGmbH. He has already trained 80 people. “Today these are my employees 63 and 64 from Outlaw,” says the doctor. “Mr. Laniado is an absolute stroke of luck for us,” says Dirk Luther, the regional managing director of Outlaw gGmbH. The independent agency operates six day-care centers with 141 employees in the Dresden area. “We want the greatest possible security for our staff,” says Luther. That is why the wearer tried to get quick test kits at an early stage and trained the employees. “When I started a call before Christmas because we needed an instructor, Mr. Laniado got in touch. We are very grateful to him, ”said Luther.

A whole new form of volunteering

“I’m retired and have time,” says the 68-year-old modestly. Voluntary engagement is a matter of course for him, even before Corona he had worked in several expert committees. “I don’t want to sit on the couch and watch the pandemic go around,” he describes his motive. Last year he tested visitors to the ASB care home in Gorbitz. “There were also volunteers with work. I think that’s a great achievement, ”he says. He knows Outlaw as the organizer of the children’s town “Kitrazza”. “My wife and I also donated for this. When I read Mr. Luther’s appeal, I called, ”explains the doctor. “For me it was an early Christmas present,” says Luther. “Mr. Laniado is at our side with advice and action. This is a completely new form of volunteer work. ”At the beginning, the doctor tested the outlaw employees himself. “Now he is training test persons.”

A piece of freedom

The outlaw staff is to be tested twice a week. “We can’t keep our distance in our work,” says Hardy Hälbig, “but we still want the greatest possible safety”. He is training to be a tester so that colleagues from other institutions don’t have to come to Rehefelder Straße. It is no problem for him to take a throat swab from a colleague. “We are a tight-knit group and very familiar with each other. These tests give us a bit of freedom, which is why we undergo this procedure. “

The day care center on Rehefelder Straße only had a corona case, says deputy director Susanne Luther. “With our test strategy, we want to filter out people who have no symptoms and pass the virus on without being noticed.” Most employees would suppress their fear of infection at work. Some employees have already received vaccination appointments. “That creates even more security, of course,” says the deputy head.

But until the staff is immunized, tests are carried out regularly. Michael Laniado patiently explains how to put on protective clothing and how the testers can protect themselves. Many questions need to be answered: Where is the waste disposed of, on which days of the week should it be tested? And then finally Hardy Hälbig holds the chopsticks in his hand and works on his “victim” Johanna Engelhardt. As a future benefactor.

More information about Corona in Dresden and the region

The incidence in Dresden continues to rise and is aiming for the 100 mark. The most important texts and other overview articles:

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By Thomas Baumann-Hartwig

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