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Liguria: highway queues and stress, the unreachable beach of the Milanese

From lockdown at home to the one in the car, in the queue. There Liguria, official sea of ​​the Milanese, packed by construction sites. With 19 galleries still under the knife for restoration, but with many others, of the 285 total, still to be inspected (in theory) by the deadline of 15 July: really high season. Usually the Ligurians laugh at the Milanese queuing to take a bath. Except this time, even those who live there struggle to reach their jobs.

The A10 and the A12, the highways that cross the Ligurian Ponente and Levante over the weekend recorded rows of great exodus: 12 kilometers between Genoa and Recco, 7 between Varazze and Savona, Friday Ditto yesterday morning, with almost 6 hours to reach Rapallo. But to complicate matters, the fact that the queues now grow with unnerving consistency even outside peak times. Then there is the mockery: The Ligurian section is free for locals, who in these weeks do not pay the toll, but for a fee for those arriving from Milan, says Franco Rossi, back from a very complicated round trip with Chiavari.

The mayor of Milan Beppe Sala, who usually chooses the train to reach his beach house, chose the bike on Friday. He wanted to return the fine words Covid spent in full emergency by the governor Giovanni Toti, when many Italy were cheering for the closed borders of Lombardy, and he invited the Milanese to return to their second homes. Friday Hall has reached Santa Margherita (where in summer every two people two are from Milan) by bike, with the discount of the first stretch (starting from Tortona) and with the help of pedal assistance: From Milan it would have taken me at least 4 hours, he said at the finish. He wasn’t joking, on the contrary he was optimistic. The paradox that all Milanese who have second homes in Liguria now start thinking of cheating. Six hours for my Milan Sanremo by car. With exhausted truck drivers parked for tens of kilometers in the emergency lane. I’ve already booked a house in another region, says Giorgio Secondi.

In the background the threat of Highways to even close some sections on the central days of the week to speed up the works. On Sunday, the Ministry of Transport summoned the dealer to find a solution. Also because the hoteliers have already announced that they will not pay taxes until the emergency ends and the Liguria region will ask for compensation for image damage. The Milanese can only wait, because alternatives are not seen, given that trains are sold out due to the limitations of the Covid protocol. Given the situation, I took the regional on Friday night for Levanto: at the Lambrate and Rogoredo stops it filled up and the train stopped for over an hour until someone got off to return to the allowed numbers, says Marina Casazza.

Also on Saturday morning at the Centrale the trains for Liguria were stormed. In particular, the 8.30 regional one, with the people who occupied all the seats, in addition to the corridors. They were dropped off and Trenitalia organized a special convoy that left two hours later. From the window they greeted the column of cars. Worse gone in the afternoon, with a fire along the railway line near Tortona. Suspended traffic and activated replacement buses. Usually it rains on the fire, here even the opposite.

June 27, 2020 | 21:14


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