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Ligue 2 – 28th day. “I want to be champion” proclaims Spierings before the trip to Normandy

the essential
Mr.Clean. “He is capable of playing in central defense but we could position him in No. 10, says Toulouse coach Philippe Montanier. Stijn excels in recovery and, at the same time, is very skilful with the ball – among other things on the way.” The slender (1m88-83kg) Dutch defensive midfielder, who will turn 26 this Saturday, March 12, still had a big game last Monday in front of Dunkirk (2-0). And don’t intend to stop on such a good path. Interview in English, sprinkled with a few words of French.

Does your midfield team-mate and compatriot Branco van den Boomen still surprise you?
No. I know what he is capable of. When he’s in these areas (for free kicks or corners), he has already demonstrated his know-how. So I’m not surprised and, personally, it’s great to play with such a good player.

Victory against US Dunkirk was not that easy… but it was important!
The Dunkirks were very compact, with a tough defense to cross. We stayed calm. The most important thing remains the result, which brings to five the number of our successes in a row. We are on the right track.

The manager estimates that 5 to 6 more victories would be enough to go up. Is this your opinion?
Yes. Over the last ten seasons, the figures must prove it. It’s true: we are getting closer to the goal, we can feel it; now it’s about staying focused on the upcoming encounter.

The title would be the icing on the cake…
As an athlete, you always aspire to aim as high as possible. Accession remains a priority, but we would like to be champions. In any case, if you ask me: I want it!

What opposition do you expect at Stade Malherbe Caen?
We can be put in difficulty by team blocks. However, we do not fall into the trap, we are patient. And…

“Let’s say we haven’t forgotten the defeat in the first leg…”

We lost against Caen at home (2-3, 10eJ; 09/27). So, even if I don’t want to talk about revenge, it’s still in the back of our minds…

How do you feel personally, while your XXL performances are linked?
When we speak well of ourselves, it is always gratifying. I think I can be even better, I try to be critical. I am comfortable in this team, among
– insists – good teammates and good people.

Are you even more of a leader in the locker room?
I’m not the kind of player to scream at the final whistle; I am more of a manager in the field, by my actions, than by my words.

We often talk about the attack on Téfécé; the defense is top notch too.
And it’s even more important to have a good defense than a good attack. I take as an example Ajaccio which is very hermetic; Corsicans often just need to score a single goal to win.

Precisely, defensively, what is your precise role?
It depends on the opponent and what we have prepared as a game plan: sometimes I have to be at central level, sometimes a little higher.

“A goal for my 26th birthday?”

A goal on Saturday for your birthday?…
It would be good ; that would be a bonus. But above all, I want to win.

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