Home » News » Ligue 1: Horoya will host its matches in Yorokoguia this season Ligue 1: Horoya will host its matches in Yorokoguia this season November 2, 2023 by world today news Share Tweet Share Share Email YOROKOGUIA- For the new sports season that is coming, Horoya AC should host its matches on its new Yorokoguia field located in the prefecture of Dubreka, more than 50 KM from the capital Conakry. The announcement was made this Wednesday by the owner of the club, Mamadou Antonio Souaré « I am very happy to announce the operationalization of the Antonio Souaré Sports Complex in Yorokoguia for the national championship matches. Horoya Athletic Club will now play its home matches at this sports facility in Dubreka » rejoices Antonio Souaré. Good news for the Guinean championship which will therefore include the Yorokoguia stadium among the sports venues in addition to the existing ones. It should be remembered that due to the renovation work, the opening of Yorokoguia is excellent news for local football, especially since the stadiums of September 28 and that of General Lansana Conté de Nongo are currently undergoing work for their approvals. , and are therefore closed to clubs. The Guinean Professional Football League, which organizes the championship, should send a team in the coming days to inspect and see if Yorokoguia is authorized to host matches in this new Ligue 1 season which normally starts on November 12. Mohamed LAMINE TOURÉ Related posts:LO demands replacement of Statkraft chairman Thorhild Widvey over billion-dollar bonuses, saying the...The prettiest women's perfumes. TOP 10 for a gift! Ranking of women's perfumes. The choice is not...Remarkable Presence of Senior Citizens and Women in Federal National Council 2023 Voting in Umm Al Q..."Quick Ideas for Weekend Outings in Lorraine-Nord and Pays-Haut Regions"Share this:FacebookX Related