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Ligue 1 – 16th day: Montpellier trembles but does not break (…)

The people of Montpellier have much to be disappointed with. After having believed in 3 points for a long time, Michel Der Zakarian’s players finally left two points on the Brest lawn… While they could have come back empty-handed if Irvin Cardona had not missed his ultimate one on one against Jonas Omlin, at the very last second of the meeting. ” On this last action, I see the Breton go alone against Jonas. Fortunately, he closed the corner well », Analyzes the technician from La Paillade.

Lille on the menu for the last day of 2020

For his part, at the microphone of the MHSC, Andy Delort draws up a mixed assessment: ” We went through all the emotions. We were good, then we came back to the score against a Brest team which was really efficient. As long as we don’t lose, it’s a good thing for the future “We must now go to Lille for the last duel of this year 2020.” It will be tough in the face! But we showed tonight that we are mentally strong. »

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