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Lignano, 15-year-old girl raped: 3 minors suspected

The young woman reported being raped on the beach by some boys on the night of August 15th. Three minors were stopped and identified by the mobile squad, also thanks to footage from the surveillance cameras in the area. According to the first reconstructions, two of the group raped her while the third limited himself to watching

A 15-year-old Venetian girl denounced being raped on the beach in Lignano, in the province of Udine, by some boys on the night of August 15th. Two minors were stopped by the Udine mobile squad and a third was reported. It would have come to them thanks to footage from the surveillance cameras in the area. Of the group, according to the first reconstructions, two would have raped her while the third would have limited himself to watching or standing nearby. The three suspected of being responsible for the sexual violence were brought to the police station today. The crime against two of the three is of sexual violence. The third minor will be denounced in a state of freedom.

The dynamics

According to some local newspapers, the young tourist had arrived from Veneto with a group of friends. At one point, the 15-year-old would be left alone on the beach and would be approached by the three who raped her. When the friends returned they found the girl in tears and told them that she was raped by boys who then fled. The girl called the police who immediately started the search for the rapists also with the help of the local police and the carabinieri, but the trio on the run was lost for a few hours.

Rape confirmed by medical tests

The young woman’s statements had been confirmed by the medical examinations she was subjected to. The girl was in hospital for a few hours and was only discharged in the late morning.

Fvg Regional Councilor: chemical castration

“More controls and stricter measures, up to chemical castration for those who commit crimes of a sexual nature.” This is the request of the councilor for safety of the Fvg Region, Pierpaolo Roberti. “The worrying cultural climate in which certain phenomena occur is in fact – according to Roberti – a sign of a total lack of any kind of values, evidently replaced by easy highs and gratuitous violence. Therefore, the government must intervene with force and promptness – concludes the ‘councilor – to ensure that such crimes are punished with the utmost severity by the authorities ”.

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