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Lightning Trigger Early Life on Earth, Number of Lightning Strikes in Millions

Lightning Trigger Early Life on Earth, Number of Lightning Strikes in Millions
Illustration of lightning triggering early life on Earth. Photo: Ist / Net

Lightning triggers early life on earth, according to the delivery of a new study. In the lightning strike which has a large number, there are even millions. The large number of lightning strikes that occurred when the Earth was 4 billion years old.

That may have given the spark of life to early Earth, according to researchers from Yale University. Over time, new studies have revealed that lightning can open up a lot of phosphorus. It is what is needed to create a foundation for life.

Lightning Strikes Trigger Early Life on Earth

There is a lightning strike that can open the phosphorus element that Earth needs. To carry out the formation of biomolecules which will later become the basis for life on Earth. Although it required this phosphorus in the formation of life, it was not easily accessible in early Earth. That’s because it’s locked tightly in insoluble minerals on the planet’s surface.

Launching The Scientist, phosphorus is an essential element for all life. Apart from that, it also forms the backbone of the DNA and RNA molecules. In fact, the number of these elements is abundant on Earth, but most of them are locked in non-reactive minerals.

This led researchers to hypothesize in a 2005 study. Researchers saw meteorites for the first time. With the idea that the meteorite contains the mineral Schreiber site phosphorus which is soluble in water. Besides, that is hitting the planet with sufficient frequency. This is to produce the conditions necessary for biological life.

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The Beginning of Earth’s Life

Lightning sparked early life on earth from 3.5 to 4.5 billion years ago. At that time fewer meteorites hit Earth. However, there are other possibilities. The Schreiber Site can also be found in certain glasses known as fulgurites.

It is formed when the lightning strikes the ground. When finding fulgurite which contains phosphorus which comes from surface rock and can also dissolve. On the mechanisms that could be important for considering the formation of planet Earth life. After meteorite collisions became rare, that was what Hess had said.

Lightning is associated with the creation of gases as well as nitrogen oxides. Of course that also plays a role in the origin of life.

The Number of Lightning That Triggered Early Life on Earth

Uses advanced computer modeling techniques by Benjamin Hess. A graduate student of the Yale Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Of course with collaborators Prof. Sandra Piazolo and Dr Jason Harvey from the University of Leeds.

It has been estimated that the early Earth saw between one and five billion flashes of lightning each year. In modern times there are about 560 million flashes per year.

These initial flashes of between 100 million and one billion will hit the ground each year. Certainly there will be no doubts over a period of a billion years. This will produce a trillion flashes. Thus, to produce a sufficiently large amount of phosphorus can be used.

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Cause Lightning Triggered Early Life on Earth

Lightning occurred more frequently in early Earth, this is because there was more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide which has a contribution to global temperature. In addition, higher global temperatures can lead to more frequent and intense storms.

At the level of carbon dioxide that was rising at the beginning of Earth. After an object the size of the planet Mars hit Earth to create the moon 4.5 billion years ago. This incident also released a lot of gas from inside the Earth. Like, carbon dioxide will be trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere. So, it can cause more lightning.

The researchers revealed the amount of lightning that triggered early life on Earth. The number of annual lightning strikes that occur will remain constant. It’s not like the number of meteorite collisions. In addition, it is the most common thing that happens in tropical landmasses. Of course, that provides a more concentrated area of ​​usable phosphorus.

Hess said that the proposed lightning strike is an important mechanism. To produce reactive phosphorus elements and also to understand the emergence of life. This is because the strikes from lightning are relatively constant.

You can find out what lightning triggered early life on Earth above. Millions of lightning strikes took place when the Earth was 4 billion years old. It may have been the spark of life for the early Earth. (R10 / HR Online)

Publisher: Jujang

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