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Lightning struck a car in the Kiev region – the car was thrown into a tree

In the city of Kagarlyk, Kiev region, on June 29, during a thunderstorm, lightning struck a moving car. As a result of the emergency, the car collided with a tree.

As reported by the Telegram channel dtp.kiev.ua, the vehicle blocked the carriageway due to which a traffic jam was formed there.

“Bad weather is raging. In the Kiev region in the city of Kagarlyk, lightning hit a car that was moving along the road – after that the car hit a tree. There were 4 passengers in the cabin – fortunately, everyone was alive. After the impact, the car turned around on the roadway – the traffic was paralyzed in both sides, “the message says.

Video of the day
Lightning struck a car moving along the road.

Note, at the exit from Kiev on June 29, a strong the wind poured a billboard onto the roadway… As a result of the accident, one person was injured. Also, two cars received mechanical damage.

A billboard fell on the roadway.

We will remind, on June 29 to Kharkiv a heavy downpour fell, and a large hail fell in Zaporozhye. In Poltava, the wind was so strong that the storm knocked down a tree.

We add, forecasters said that the weather in Ukraine in July and August will be hot… The second month of summer promises an air temperature of up to +40 degrees.

Previously OBOZREVATEL reported that on June 26, in the village of Belogorodka, Kiev region lightning hit a private house… As a result of the incident, the roof of the building caught fire.

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