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Light Nights: A Play about Redemption and Rehabilitation in Prison

“We’re all the same. Okay, I took another person’s life, I’m not saying anything. I’m here, I’ll pay what I have to pay, but don’t treat me like the last one…” This is what the excerpt from the play “Light Nights” reads “. Two murders, one attempted murder and three young people who must spend more than 10 years behind bars for what they did. Kristīne Brīniņa chose them as the main characters for her production, after two years of visiting the Liepāja prison together with volunteers and learning about the lives of the prisoners in open conversations.

“It is precisely because of this factor that we as a society have had the opportunity to cooperate and accept this child as a part of society, and to take responsibility in time, and not assign the responsibility only to the teacher or only to the parents,” Briniņa explains.

The dramaturgical material of the show was created when Briniņa collaborated with the poet Henrikas Elias Zegner. The ensemble of the show consists of actors Kārlis Artejevs, Valts Skuja, Artūrs Irbe, Hugo Puriņš, Madara Kalna; creative team – artist -8, composer Spāre Vītola and lighting artist Toms Streilis.

In order to better understand the characters, the actors have met the real prototypes several times and got to know the prison environment.

“It’s not easy. I already have all kinds of dreams about prison in my nightmares,” admits actor Artūrs Irbe. “I’ve looked at everything there. It’s a bit tiring when you’re in it for two months, but yeah, I think it’s going to be very interesting.”

“He tells absolutely everything there, tears himself apart. And we also copy it, literally copy it. It’s not just an observation, we look for all the nuances – in features, voices, gestures,” says actor Kārlis Artejevs.

In the conversations depicted in the show, both the childhood traumas of the prisoners and growing up within the prison walls are heard. All three hope to start a new, different life after being released, and the actors hope that they will actually succeed. One of the prisoners has recently been released, but he does not want to watch the show yet – it is too difficult.


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2023-12-08 17:15:37
#Life #stories #Liepaja #prison #inmates #play #Light #Nights

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