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Lifesaver in pill form? This company offers “virginity” for just under 60 euros

Fear of “honour killing” – this is said to still be part of everyday life for many young women in some countries around the world. A fear that a company in Waghäusel wants to combat.

Those affected can purchase an artificial hymen for 57.50 euros and a vaginal tightening gel for 19.90 euros. This allows them to fake their own virginity and thus fulfill various personal, cultural or religious obligations.

Virginia Care Products – Blood Capsules | Image: Virginia Care

Women must show blood as proof of their “virginity”

Even today, in some cultures or religions, the woman must remain a virgin until she is married. To check this obligation, the assumption is that blood stains must be visible after the first intercourse. If this is not the case, in the worst case scenario this could lead to a so-called “honor killing”.

In an honour killing, people, usually Women killed to restore the “honor” of the family or community.

In Germany, this practice is punished as a violation of human rights.

Hymen myth – every second woman does not bleed

Blood after “piercing the hymen” is simply a false assumptionThe women’s magazine Emma explains that every second woman does not bleed at all during her first vaginal intercourse.

Myth of the hymen – NO membrane that closes the vagina

And also on the website of Virgina Care, the myth of the hymen is explained, because the so-called Hymen is not a membrane that closes the vaginaIt is a collection of folds of mucous membrane that form before birth and vary greatly in size and shape from individual to individual.

In other words, every “hymen” is different. There are also women in whom this mucous membrane ring, the alleged “Hymen” preserved until the birth of the first child stays because it is wide and stretchy.

How does Virginia Care’s “artificial” virginity work?

The company offers three products to simulate the hymen:

1. Artificial hymen

The product is designed to stick to the vaginal wall and then slowly begin to dissolve. During intercourse, the ingredients mix with the vaginal fluid and the right amount of blood comes out, leaving residue visible on the penis and bedclothes.

Virginia Care Products – Complete Set | Image: Virginia Care

The artificial hymen should be inserted at least 2 hours and at least 30 minutes before the planned sexual intercourse.

2. Hymen capsules

The dry blood effect capsule was designed to be used the day after the wedding. It is intended to confirm virginity a second time for the family and others where tradition requires it.

The hymen capsules are inserted 1-3 hours before sexual intercourse!

3. Firming gel

The vaginal tightening gel is intended to tighten the vagina. It should be used once a day for at least 2 weeks beforehand.

Virginia Care Products – Firming Gel | Image: Virginia Care

What alternatives were there before Virginia Care?

An unpleasant operation, called hymenoplasty or hymen reconstruction, which can cost €2,000 or more, seemed to be the only way out for the women affected. This is what Virginia Care explains on the company website. This is why they wanted to bring these products onto the market.

Blood capsules instead of conviction

He asked himself if the products no longer support traditional and societal expectations of virginityinstead of taking sustainable action against them.

Products are intended to “restore women’s self-confidence and dignity”

Virginia Care tells ka-news.de that the products “are intended solely to support personal choices and promote well-being. We justify these ethical challenges by emphasizing that we want to help women deal with these expectations safely and independently.”

It is a product that gives women back control over their bodies and their sexuality in a world where these are often controlled and regulated.

Free provision to advice centres and associations

In addition, the company says it will also make its products available to advisory centers and associations internationally free of charge. This collaboration will make it possible to develop comprehensive educational materials and programs that illustrate the social and cultural implications of using the products.

But Virginia Care recognizes virginity coercion

But the company goes on to say that its aim is to simply respect the cultural and social sensitivities involved in the different regions, in order to create a global awareness that recognizes the different cultural contexts.

Helpline “Violence against women”

The helpline “Violence against Women” is a nationwide counseling service for women who have experienced or are still experiencing violence. All nationalities are supported, 365 days a year, around the clock.

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