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Life+Fashion: The palm timber turned orange and the ria-ria-Hungary roared

Life+Fashion: The palm timber turned orange and the ria-ria-Hungary rumbled | hvg.hu

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No, it isn’t in regards to the Peace Procession, however Miklósé Fenyő’s live performance. The 4 members of the band Hungária and numerous different contributors carried out a spectacular better of present within the practically sold-out Puskás Enviornment.

“This system that then (within the early 80s – ed.) we provided to our viewers, amongst different issues, it was very engaging as a result of it gave the chance to daydream. And past daydreaming about making folks merely really feel higher”

Miklós Fenyő mentioned earlier in an interview with hvg.hu.

At the moment, Hungária was amazingly profitable by sending the folks of grey cooperism to a world of jampecs that had by no means existed round right here with their songs, to a world the place “the Lodge Menthol shines from afar”, the place “the jampecs within the Chevrolet push the bagpipes into their heads ”, the place multimillionaire jazz drummers and kissing kings twist ladies’s heads.

Hungarian live performance in Puskás

Barbara Jako

All this largely dipped in early rock and roll, however spiced up with an virtually absurd cavalcade of musical types, which included all the things from rockabilly by way of ska to twist, mambo and limbo. Concerning the band’s masterpiece, Lodge Menthol (which can be on hvg.hu’s checklist of a very powerful Hungarian albums of all time), we beforehand wrote that “that is such an optimistic and naive report that the one appropriate response throughout and after listening to it’s to smile”. .

Hungarian live performance in Puskás

Barbara Jako

And that is true for Hungária’s whole oeuvre in addition to for Saturday’s live performance. As well as, we might checklist few Hungarian pop music works that turned such part of Hungarian couture a long time later that as we speak it’s not possible to think about a home social gathering, a celebration, a village day, or a college occasion with out it. Hungária is like that, however in a manner that is not tacky, for instance Mihály Víg would not need to play a single Fenyő tune (in his personal type).

“One Ciao Marina, one On line casino Twist, one Istanbul, these are all of the widespread denominators of the Hungarian folks”

Fenyő mentioned the identical to hvg.hu shortly earlier than the live performance. And he is proper.

By the way in which, the band really solely operated on this type for a few years, however that was greater than 4 a long time in the past. The band obtained collectively as soon as in 1995 for a 100,000 Népstadion social gathering, however that was 29 years in the past. On Saturday, within the successor to the Népstadion, the followers might see Feny, Róbert Szikora, Gábor Novai and Dolly (Iloná Mária Penczi) collectively once more – in all probability for the final time. And with a touching gesture, the not residing members, guitarist Zoltán Kékes, saxophonist Gyula Fekete, and singer-drummer Öcsi Flipper have been additionally summoned utilizing the method.

Hungarian live performance in Puskás

Barbara Jako

Why precisely Now or by no means the live performance was held with the title, and we have no idea what the producer of the movie with the identical title, Rákay Philip, has to say about this, however it’s not attention-grabbing, however it’s fully incomprehensible that

I attempt to kill the temper earlier than the live performance.

It is already unusual that it wasn’t a backing band, however Dj Dominiqe, who tried to heat up the virtually full Enviornment regardless of the rain (which began to rain after which subsided). Anyway, the DJ did all the things, however the truth that he gathered for Hungária’s stay live performance a gaggle of followers, usually middle-aged (however there have been additionally youthful ones lacking) (for a lot of it was an actual vacation, which was evident from the variety of ladies in polka-dotted clothes and males with duck hair per sq. meter), why precisely He warmed it up with Hungaria recordings, we did not perceive that.

It’s sure that round eight o’clock everybody was eagerly ready for the primary actual chords, however for some motive the administrators thought that they’d cross the time with a protracted, half-hour quick movie, wherein they went by way of the band’s historical past. Initially, the group enthusiastically and loudly joined within the components of the tune that have been performed on occasion, however on the finish there was already some whistling and blowing. No, so many individuals got here out right here to observe a documentary on a projector.

Hungarian live performance in Puskás

Barbara Jako

After the viewers had been efficiently silenced on this manner, round nine-thirty a bunch of musicians got here up – six-piece vocals, a brass huge band, and the accompanying orchestra – and after some ready, the 4 protagonists appeared on the gate of the massive projection platform arrange behind the stage, surrounded by some smoke , they usually began it Get up Rockandrollia to the tune. After the viewers was lulled to sleep with the movie, this overture was thematically okay, though the following one, Duci Jucin, actually began the live performance (sure, wherein the Jampecs within the Chevrolet push the bagpipes into their heads).

“Good night, younger folks,” mentioned Fenyő to the more and more enthusiastic followers, who have been screaming alongside to the lyrics of the songs, who maybe actually felt younger on the time when these sure huge hits, that are an indelible a part of Hungarian tradition, got here their flip.

Hungarian live performance in Puskás

Barbara Jako

The stage was really merely designed (extra exactly: transformed, Because it turned out, after final week’s Azahriah). Behind the multi-story, ledge stage and on large projectors on two sides, we might see the varied visuals, which typically confirmed Lodge Menthol, typically some form of 50s American avenue scene, typically a bazaar row in Istanbul, typically a jungle, typically a On line casino, and so forth. depicted, in keeping with the songs – spectacularly, however not very creatively. On two sides are the inevitable palm timber and two previous “rock and roll Chevrolets”.

The lead singer might at all times come ahead to the prolonged finish of the stage, and naturally the dance troupe, and this half even rose as soon as with Feny and his white piano, and at different instances with Szikora and his drums. Though there was a column of smoke, small fireworks, confetti, which had in all probability additionally been relocated to Azahria and left right here for Saturday, the largest visible aspect, similar to up to now on the Hungária events, was the uncountable (as we discovered on the finish: 240 folks) dancers who they actually lifted the temper with their spectacular choreography. They stuffed the stage with simply their hustle and bustle, however at Csókkirály, for instance, they launched lip balms to the sky, and in some songs they introduced small dramatic episodes.

The viewers was very grateful, they have been merely hungry for these songs. They sang with the orchestra all through the roughly two and a half hours. There have been many “arms within the air”, and numerous orchestrated singing, phone lighting – all of the singers’ needs have been fulfilled.

Hungarian live performance in Puskás

Barbara Jako

They’re singers, we emphasize, as a result of we had the sensation that 4 – in any other case glorious – frontmen alternately carry out their songs right here. (“Robi was stunning!” “Dolly was stunning!” they praised one another after every tune.) Szikora and Fenyő introduced the standard, skilled angle, however Novai additionally carried out the loopy twists with an amazing smoothness. The strongest performer was Dolly, whose voice didn’t put on out, she performed the function of a rock and roll diva in a relaxed and assured method, and related very effectively with the viewers. I believe a petition must be began in order that he modifies his thoughts and doesn’t withdraw, as he introduced just lately.

In any case, we had much less of a band feeling through the social gathering, the live performance was extra paying homage to a range present.

However the viewers did not care, as a result of all the things they’ve beloved for many years was actually carried out, from Istanbul to On line casino Twist and King of Kisses to Ciao Marina and Micsoda buli.

At quarter previous 11, they mentioned goodbye, and naturally got here again to push down the Limbo carriage, wherein “The palm timber have turned orange, The jampies are swinging the limbo”, and the Kasza Bubu, wherein the title character sings “Hú-hu-hu-hu, however laza, we’re not going dwelling”.

Then the latter (“we’re not going dwelling”) was repeated many instances with the viewers, and there was additionally an n+1 “ria-ria-Hungária”.

After which everybody went dwelling.

We advocate it from the entrance web page

June 2024. 02. 20:00 hvg.hu Financial system

What does it take to pay for a million-dollar lodge room, did he extract components from the paperwork of the Völner-Schadl case, and why is he watching the BL ultimate as an alternative of campaigning – the minister additionally answered these questions for 444.hu, who discovered him in London.

The checklist leaders and representatives of the events presenting the Budapest checklist argue and conflict their applications within the capital. Observe the dialogue on hvg.hu.

It’s laborious to imagine the estimates of the organizers, as they typically overestimate, furthermore, whatever the variety of folks, they have an inclination to contemplate the present march to be the biggest as much as that time.

Along with the nationwide huge traders, György Szöllősi might additionally come dwelling from the BL ultimate in a personal aircraft, in keeping with 444.hu.

János Lackfi now had to attract inspiration from these 5 phrases: mass media, flag-down, szigetkör, szorzalek, thirty-four.

Some utilized mud, cordons and traces of the stage remained, the trash was already collected after them.

For some motive, Fb categorised the content material of the Prime Minister’s marketing campaign speech as harmful, however later allowed it anyway.

No, it isn’t in regards to the Peace Procession, however Miklósé Fenyő’s live performance. Hungária carried out a spectacular better of present within the Puskás Enviornment.

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