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“Life is theater and now my role is to disconcert”


Updated:06/12/2020 08:19h


She wanted to be an inventor, became a jurist and has ended up writing greguerías. As it is. He claims to have more than a thousand stored in the drawer, part of which he embedded in his first play of the absurd, “El va y ven”, blessed by himself Albert Boadella. In March, it will publish “In Praise of Sanity”.

She is devoted to Ramón Gómez de la Serna, a precursor more than a century ago of this very brief and scathing genre. And well that is perceived in his writing. “I began to notice that greguerías arose when I was walking down the street”, reveals Guadalupe Codes in front of an orange juice with two ice cubes. «I passed a forbidden sign and saw a mailbox. Or I’d come across a streetlight in the dark and think it was a single steam sauna. ‘ And so everything.

You see the world in greguerías.

Yes. And I keep writing them down in a notebook. I have more than a thousand written.

Is life a greguería that ends badly?

Life is not to stop learning. Besides being a teacher, I am also a very learner. A very curious person. We could compare life to a cake with many candles: the only bonfire that ignites the passage of time.

Your academic record informs that was born in JaénHe studied at the Teresianas, went through the College of the Holy Child Jesus, enrolled at the University of Córdoba, continued in the Madrid of San Dámaso and completed his training in Urdino, Regio Calabria and Messina. It was a excellent student, her notes attest, and she has been a professor at the Law School for twenty years. Together with his father he wrote an amazing “Civil Law in Verses” and now cultivates the ingenious genre of greguerías illustrated in watercolors. What he does not forgive is his punctual aperitif each day. Amen.

Guadalupe Codes, in a moment of the interview with ABC Córdoba
Guadalupe Codes, in a moment of the interview with ABC Córdoba – Rafael Carmona

And what is a jurist like you doing writing theater of the absurd?

I went to the theater since I was little because I really liked it. I started reading the Greek theater: Sophocles Y Squirrel, who caught my attention that he was against democracy.

It won’t be your case, right?

No, but look: I have in mind what I once heard from Boadella and that is that I am not clear about the idea of ​​a head, a vote. I don’t know if it would be the best system.

Are there heads that don’t deserve a vote?

I do not know. What I think is that it is very strange to me that a person who does not know anything about foreign policy o de economy You can decide who is going to run the country better. These people can be bought.

«Gombrich says that there is no art: there are only artists. I paint watercolors because it is a way of writing too »

You are a supporter of enlightened despotism.

Nerd. Neither. I don’t know what the best system would be.

You said that “you don’t go to the theater. You are in the theater ».

Effectively. Life is a theater and those of us who love the backstage live it in a very intense way. We represent our role with or without stage fright. That depends on each one. I, just in case, always carry a spare heart [saca del bolso uno rojo de plástico].

Guadalupe Codes, during the interview with ABC Córdoba
Guadalupe Codes, during the interview with ABC Córdoba – Rafael Carmona

Are you interpreting right now?

I do not. But I do believe that everyone has a role in this life.

And what is yours?

Right now the one to disconcert. In this second work, “In Praise of Sanity,” I have tried. The artist has the obligation to observe, analyze, criticize and provoke the public. The reader must be made to think.

“I’m laughing a lot with my next work, but it’s hard for me to write it”

We think little.

I think so. Today one is very informed but little trained. We don’t spend time on it. I dedicate every day half an hour to think. I sit on a sofa and do nothing except think. And I write what happened during the day.

In gregarious.

No. There it is narrative pure and hard.

Do you paint watercolors because the law bores you?

No. I paint watercolors because it is also a way of writing. Are lines with colors. It is a way of expressing. And it does not matter whether it is done with writing or painting. There are many Nobel laureates who painted and wrote. GombrichIn his work “The History of Art”, he says that there is no art: there are only artists. Why do I want to write theater and bewilder? Because I want to reach the fullness of my potential. Find my vital reason, of which Ortega spoke. And that only God and I know.

And where do you want to go?

As far as I can. The Swiss Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, who dealt with people near death, when asked what they would change in their lives, the most common answer was always that they had risked more.

She is the author of “Civil Law in Verses.” Do you recommend it?

Clear. My father and I wrote it. Do you know that Muñoz Seca Versed the entire civil code in order to memorize it? The student appreciates it and each concept is explained with an example.

Guadalupe Codes, during the interview with ABC Córdoba
Guadalupe Codes, during the interview with ABC Córdoba – Rafael Carmona

Have you done something serious in life?

Yes of course [se ríe abiertamente]. I have married and had two children. And I have taken my classes very seriously. And my doctoral thesis.

His third book will be published in March: “In Praise of Sanity.” Do you abandon the theater of the absurd?

No! I’m laughing a lot but it’s having a hard time writing it. And also with greguerías. The ideal is to look for something that is not done. And the second thing, try to do it. Without personal ambition, as he said David Gistau, many of the admirable things would not have been done.

Is sanity worthy of praise?

I think so.

And what is the most absurd thing about the Law?

I do not know. Maybe it is written with crooked lines.

From Ramón Gómez de la Serna is the following greguería: “The most important thing in life is not having died.”

You are right. And he also wrote: ‘It is better to have a happy heart than a happy life.

«The artist has the obligation to observe, analyze, criticize and provoke the public. We think little »

You have it.

Yes, although in my life there has been some shower of grayish confetti.

What book do you have in your hands?

Now three. “Uncle Fred in Spring” by PG Wodehouse; «How to write humor», by Enrique Gallud Jardiel; and “About nothing” by Woody Allen.

You read three at a time.

Always. And I finish them all.

“I love having the aperitif.” Whose greguería is this?

It is not a greguería. It’s a phrase of mine and I love it. Take the aperitif It is a custom we have at home. We take it at noon and at night. I can even go to a coffee shop alone, take a book to read or watch.

And does he have something to say about the pandemic?

Which is a calamity. That it was communicated to us very late and that the Government did not do it well. Now, in Madrid, the mayor Martinez Almeida I think he is a complete person. They are not doing it wrong. The proof is that the curve is dropping considerably. What I hope is that it is solved as soon as possible and I am concerned about the vaccine issue.

How many greguerías do you have left to illustrate?

I do not know. This does not have ending.

See them

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