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[Life Fighter]A letter from Hong Kong mother battling 6-year-old cancer to her son 5 years later: Happy daily-Hong Kong Economic Times-TOPick-Health-Health Information

The road to fighting cancer is not easy, and it is even more difficult for children. Let me share with you the story of a wonderful boy …

Recalling that in 2018, two-year-old Oscar was suffering from a fever, his appetite became poor and his stomach became hard and bloated.When his mother saw that the situation was not good, she immediately took him to the emergency room. That night, the doctor immediately arranged a blood test for him, but unfortunately Oscar was diagnosed with leukemia. Mom was struck by lightning, but she knew she had to stay calm and strong to take care of her young son.

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Mom took care of Oscar and two other children by herself. After diagnosis, whether it’s going to the hospital for treatment, daily life and diet, or even going back and forth to school, it’s all done on your own. The song “One Hand” has always supported her mother. Whenever she is sad, she remembers that “a pair of hands can hold out as long as they are clenched into fists.” She believes that as long as she perseveres and works hard, nothing is impossible.

Oscar and mom. (Courtesy of the Children’s Cancer Foundation)

Oscar often vomited during chemotherapy and also had common side effects such as diarrhea, oral ulcers, fever and skin sensitivity. The mother said his son vomited 10 times in a row after chemotherapy and that “yellow bile water” also vomited and he vomited continuously while he slept. “It really hurts me to see him suffer like this. At that time I could only ask the doctor to add as many anti-vomiting drugs as possible to reduce his vomiting.”

In February 2021, after more than two years of long treatment, he thought that Oscar had entered a stable period, but unfortunately he had a relapse. My mother recalled: “That day was the last bone marrow exam in the hospital after finishing the whole treatment. I thought it was a time to celebrate, but it was in vain. I was heartbroken and kept asking, Oscar has always worked so hard, why did he treat him this way? ” Mom’s positive personality quickly cleared her mood and became Oscar’s biggest encouragement. They continued to fight this tough battle with positive energy. The mother also successfully donated stem cells to her son in July. After about a year of convalescence after the transplant, Oscar is finally in a stable period of convalescence.

One can imagine how difficult the treatment Oscar has undergone over the years has been. Although he was young, he behaved very well and sensible throughout the whole process, which greatly comforted his mother. What impressed her most was full-body radiation therapy before a bone marrow transplant. During the process, he needs to be alone in the electrotherapy room for half an hour. After the fund’s children’s medical advisor gave Oscar an exercise before rehearsals, Oscar was very cooperative throughout the entire process and even successfully completed it without sedatives (commonly known as “sleep medicine”). At that moment, my mother was watching through the TV outside the radiotherapy room, and she was surprised and moved to see him complete the half hour of electrotherapy in an instant. When Oscar started throwing up as soon as he left the treatment room, Mom knew that although Oscar felt very uncomfortable, she didn’t lose her temper at all, just because she didn’t want her to worry. Later, during a blood test, she comforted him: “Mom, you can sleep and rest when I get back to the hospital, don’t worry about me!” Why don’t you teach people to love this hot little man!

Oscar’s experience made the relationship between mother and son even closer. “I was taking care of Lang Lang alone, and the relationship was already very close. After the relapse I was even more inseparable. I could be with him 24/7 without leaving the hospital for several months. After the transplant, I felt more connected by blood and we were with each other. My feelings grew relentlessly. “Now, my mother’s greatest wish is that she have a safe, healthy and happy childhood. Over the years, these couples have spent a lot of life in the hospital and wasted a lot of time. I hope they can have a better time together and Oscar can have a happy childhood like other children!

After hearing Oscar’s mother share, the editor was also very touched, so I asked my mother, is there anything I want to say to Lang Lang five years later? Mom smiled and happily wrote the following letter …

To my mom’s favorite Oscar five years later:

Oscar, time flies very fast, you are 11 years old! Have you enjoyed yourself in the past five years? After the good return, do you do what you like to do?

Remembering that after you were diagnosed with acute left leukemia at the age of two in 2018, returning to the hospital to order medications and follow-up consultations has become an integral part of your life. It’s been a few years, thanks for your hard work! My mother tells you “I’m sorry” all day, because my mother knows that you have been very hard after being sick and you have to endure all the pain that ordinary people cannot bear. I can’t help you in any way, I can only accompany you every day to beat the bad guys, do my best to be the best of you and love every day with you.

I remember being so worried about you that sometimes I screamed at your side and you always sent your favorite doll to accompany me; I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me! “Thank you so much for being a warm little man when I was working hard, supporting me, taking care of me and loving me by my side.

Transplant after relapse is the hardest time for you and you have finally survived the sun! As for you, you have had problems with viruses, intestinal rejection, infection of the lungs, liver, gallbladder and pancreas during your return to use. You can’t eat wild food! Afterwards, the nutritionist told me that you can cook wild food instead of mine, and I’m so happy! “Every time we answer, we will remember all the clips. Although these clips are not very happy, they are blessed by God. This experience is unique. of ours. I believe you have grown a lot in all aspects of your department! You get the best results because you never give up. Today you are the one who worked hard and fought hard to return to Lebanon with blood and tears! Your courage , tenacity and hard work make mom proud!

You are really a cute boy and you are the Super Hero in my mom’s heart! After years of fighting by your side and binding your blood, you often say to me: “You must be happy!” Mom also hopes you are happy in the future every day. Remember to keep doing what you love to do and to do everything with the utmost effort, as if you are persistent and never give up.

Mom supports you infinitely! I love you, Oscar!


mom on

Won articleChildren’s Cancer FundReprinted with permission, the title has been edited and modified by TOPick, the original title is “Mom’s Wonder Boy – The Six-Year-Old Boy’s Road to Fighting Cancer”

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