Home » Entertainment » Lielā Kristapa Ceremony Honors Films Straume and Marijas Klusums with Top Laurels

Lielā Kristapa Ceremony Honors Films Straume and Marijas Klusums with Top Laurels

The Latvian National Film Festival recently celebrated its moast outstanding contributors, with the prestigious Pēteris krilovs, a revered director,‌ screenwriter, producer, and mentor, ⁤who was awarded for his lifetime ‍contribution to Latvian cinema. His influence on the ⁣industry and his role‍ in nurturing new talent were celebrated as a ⁤cornerstone of the event.

The animated film Straume emerged as a major ⁣winner,‍ securing five Lielais Kristaps awards continue to shine a spotlight on the creativity and dedication of Latvian filmmakers, ensuring their work resonates both locally and globally. For more ⁢details on the winners and their contributions, explore the full list ‌of laureates here.

Nacionālās⁤ kino balvas “Lielais Kristaps 2024” noslēdzās ar iespaidīgu ceremoniju

Table of Contents

Latvijas kino ‌industrijas⁢ gada notikums ⁤– Nacionālās kino balvas ‌”Lielais Kristaps 2024″⁢ – norisinājās Dailes teātrī, kur tika‌ pasniegtas 25 balvas, tai skaitā balva par mūža ieguldījumu filmu mākslā, kā arī vairākas īpašās un atbalstītāju balvas. Ceremoniju režisēja ⁤Matīss Kaža,bet vadīja aktieris Matīss Budovskis,kas piešķīra pasākumam dinamiku un eleganci. ​

Balva par mūža ieguldījumu filmu mākslā

Par mūža ieguldījumu filmu mākslā balvu saņēma ievērojamais⁢ latviešu režisors, scenārists,⁣ producents un pasniedzējs Pēteris Krilovs. Viņa radošā darbība aptver ⁣gan kino, gan teātra jomu, un viņš ir pazīstams⁣ arī kā jauno kinomākslas ⁤talantu mentors.Krilovs ir devis ievērojamu ieguldījumu latvijas⁣ kultūras attīstībā, un šī balva ir godinājums viņa ilggadīgajam darbam.⁤

Labākā ‍pilnmetrāžas spēlfilma

Par⁤ gada labāko pilnmetrāžas spēlfilmu atzīta režisora Dāvja Sīmaņa vēsturiskā drāma “Marijas klusums”. Filma balstīta uz patiesiem notikumiem un vēsta par Latvijā dzimušo teātra un‍ mēmā kino aktrisi Mariju Leiko, kuras dzīve 20.​ gadsimta pirmajā pusē bija pilna dramatisku ​pagriezienu.

Citi‌ ievērojamie laureāti

| Kategorija⁣ ‌ | Uzvarētājs ⁤ ⁤ ⁤ | Darbs ⁢ |
| Labākā debijas filma ⁣ | Agnese laizāne ‍ ‍ ​ ‌ ⁣ ⁤ | “Mani 80 pavasari”​ ​ |
| Labākā studentu‌ filma | Amanda Grīnberga⁣ ⁢ ‌ ‍| ⁤”Luna” ​ ⁣ ‍ ⁤|
| Labākā dokumentālā filma ‌ | Ivars Zviedris ⁤ ‌ ⁤ | “esi uzticīgs līdz nāvei” ⁤ ‍ |
| Labākā aktrise otrā plāna lomā | Ilze Ķuzule-Skrastiņa | Seriāls “Asistente” |
| Labākais operators | Jurģis Kmins ​ ⁤ ⁢ ⁤ ⁢ | “Piecarpus mīlas stāsti kādā dzīvoklī” |
| Labākā filmas ⁣māksliniece | Laura Dišlere ⁢ ⁢ ‌ | ‌”Cildenie” ⁣ |
| Labākais animācijas mākslinieks ​| Zanis Oborenko⁣ ​ ⁢| “Kafka. Iemīlējies” |

Ievērojami dokumentālie darbi

Ivars Zviedris⁤ saņēma‍ balvu​ kā labākais dokumentālās filmas režisors par ‌darbu “Esi uzticīgs līdz nāvei”. Savukārt Valdis Celmiņš un Mārcis Slavinskis tika​ atzīti par labākajiem dokumentālās‌ filmas operatoriem ⁤par ⁢filmu “Turpinājums. Pieaugšana”.

Jauno talantu atzinība

režisore Agnese Laizāne saņēma balvu par labāko debijas filmu “Mani 80 pavasari”,savukārt Amanda Grīnberga tika atzīta⁣ par labāko ⁢studentu filmu “Luna”. Šīs ⁣balvas apliecina, ka Latvijas kino⁢ industrijā turpina veidoties jauni talanti.

spilgtas akadēmiskās un mākslinieciskās sniegšanas

Ilze Ķuzule-Skrastiņa saņēma balvu kā labākā aktrise otrā plāna lomā par ⁣savu darbu seriālā “Asistente”. Jurģis ⁢Kmins tika atzīts par labāko spēlfilmas operatoru par darbu “Piecarpus mīlas stāsti kādā dzīvoklī”. ⁣Laura Dišlere saņēma balvu kā labākā filmas māksliniece par filmu “Cildenie”, bet Zanis Oborenko – kā labākais animācijas mākslinieks par‍ filmu “Kafka. Iemīlējies”.


Nacionālās kino balvas “Lielais Kristaps 2024” demonstrēja Latvijas kino industrijas daudzveidību un augsto kvalitāti. Pasākums ne tikai godināja izcilus darbus, bet arī uzsvēra nozīmīgo lomu, ko jaunie talanti un veterāni spēlē​ Latvijas ‍kultūras attīstībā.lai uzzinātu vairāk par laureātiem un viņu darbiem, apmeklējiet Latvijas Kino ​centra mājaslapu.

Latvian⁤ Cinema Shines: “Marijas klusums” and “Tukšuma aicinājums” Take ⁣Center Stage

Latvian cinema⁤ continues to ​make waves on the international stage, with two standout​ films—“Marijas klusums” and ‍ “tukšuma aicinājums”—earning critical acclaim and prestigious awards. These films not only highlight the talent of Latvian filmmakers but also delve into rich cultural narratives,blending history,myth,and suspense.⁢

“Marijas klusums”: A Poignant Tribute to a Forgotten⁣ Star

Directed by Dāvis Sīmanis and ⁣produced by Mistrus Media in collaboration with Lithuania’s Broom Films, “Marijas klusums” ⁤ tells the haunting story of Marija Leiko, one of​ the few Latvian actresses to achieve international fame. Set in the late 1930s, the film captures⁢ the final years of Leiko’s life, focusing ​on‌ her fateful decision ⁢to​ stay in Moscow as part of the Latvian theater troupe “Skatuve”. ‍

The film’s narrative unfolds against the ⁢backdrop of Stalin’s ⁣Great Terror, a period marked by the ‍execution of theater workers and actors. “Marijas klusums” premiered at the 74th Berlin International Film Festival, ‌where it was honored with the Ecumenical Jury Prize, cementing its place as a powerful exploration of⁤ art, survival, and tragedy.

nominations for Best Feature Film

  • “Bum!” – directed by⁣ Andra Doršs and Marta Selecka, produced by Picture House (Latvia)
  • “Cildenie” – ⁢Directed by Juris Kursietis, produced by White Picture (Latvia), Stellar Film (Estonia), and *asterisk (Greece)
  • “Mūžības ⁤skartie” – Directed ​by Mārcis Lācis, ⁤produced by‍ Trickster Pictures (Latvia)

“Tukšuma aicinājums”: A​ Chilling Tale of Myth and Misfortune

In the ⁤realm of short films, Jānis Ābele’s “Tukšuma aicinājums” emerged as the winner of the Best Short Film category. part of the anthology series “Briesmīgi stāstiņi”, the film draws inspiration from Latvian myths and ghost stories.

The story follows a family on a camping trip by the sea. One evening, the daughters, Hanna and Eva,​ discover ‌a sailor’s diary, unaware that it will bring nothing but⁣ misfortune. The film masterfully blends suspense with cultural folklore, offering a gripping narrative that resonates with audiences.

Nominations for Best ⁣Short ⁣Film

  • “Drāmas‌ karalis” – Directed by Valērijs Oļehno, produced ‍by ​ Air Productions (Latvia) and Just a moment (Lithuania) ‍
  • “Gaiss” – Directed by Mārtiņš Grauds, produced by K

Key Takeaways

| ‍ Category ‍ | Winner ​ ⁣ ⁤ ⁣ | Director ⁢ | ⁢ Production Companies ‍ ⁤ ⁣ |
| Best Feature Film ‌ ⁤ | “Marijas klusums” ‍ | Dāvis Sīmanis | Mistrus ‌media (Latvia), Broom ⁢Films (Lithuania) |
| Best Short Film ⁢ ⁤ | “Tukšuma aicinājums” ‌| Jānis Ābele ​ ⁢ | Part of “Briesmīgi stāstiņi” anthology ⁤⁢ ⁣|

why These ‍Films Matter

Both “Marijas klusums” and “Tukšuma aicinājums” showcase the depth and diversity of Latvian cinema. While the former pays homage to a historical figure and a tragic chapter in Latvian history, the latter brings customary folklore to life in a modern context. These films not only entertain but also educate, offering viewers a glimpse⁢ into latvia’s rich cultural heritage.⁣

For those eager to explore more about latvian cinema, check out the‍ official websites​ of Mistrus Media and Broom ​Films for behind-the-scenes insights and upcoming projects.

What are your thoughts on these award-winning‌ films? Share your opinions in the comments below and join the conversation about the future of⁣ Latvian cinema!

Juris Podnieks: A Cinematic Legacy​ Celebrated in ​”Podnieks par podnieku. Laika liecinieks”

The Latvian⁣ film industry recently honored one of its⁤ most iconic figures,⁢ Juris Podnieks, with the award for⁢ best Feature-Length Documentary at⁣ the National Film Awards. The winning film, “Podnieks par Podnieku. Laika liecinieks” (Podnieks on Podnieks: Witness of Time), directed by Antra Cilinska and Anna Viduleja, delves ⁣into the life and work of‍ the legendary filmmaker, whose emotionally charged and visually striking cinema captivated audiences worldwide.Juris Podnieks, a luminary in Latvian documentary ⁤filmmaking, was known for his ability to address profound themes such as society, individuality, and national identity. His films often explored the strength ⁤of the Latvian people through their history, urging self-awareness and a ​path​ toward a more meaningful⁢ future. As the documentary reveals, Podnieks’ cinematic language was not only vivid but deeply emotional, resonating with ‍viewers across the globe. ⁤

The film “Podnieks par‌ podnieku. Laika liecinieks” offers a‌ visually ​rich and emotionally sensitive portrayal of Podnieks’ life and legacy.It answers the question: Who was Juris Podnieks,​ and what made his work so unusual? Through archival footage and personal insights, the documentary paints a compelling picture of a⁢ man who was not just a filmmaker but⁢ a witness ⁣to his time.

The National Film Awards: A Festivity of Latvian Cinema

The award ceremony highlighted the best of Latvian documentary filmmaking,⁣ with several notable nominations in the feature-length category:

| Film ‍ ​ ​ ⁣ | director | Production Company |
| “Beigas” ‌ ‍ ‌ ‌ | Māris Maskalāns ​ | VFS films​ ⁤ ⁤ | ​
| “Esi uzticīgs līdz nāvei” ‍ | Ivars Zviedris ⁢ ⁤ | Dokumentālists ⁣ | ⁣
| “Gala punkti” ‍‍ | Laila⁢ Pakalniņa | Kompānija Hargla ​ ⁣ | ⁤
| “Podnieks par Podnieku. Laika liecinieks” ⁣| Antra Cilinska, anna Viduleja | Jura Podnieka studija |
| “Turpinājums. Pieaugšana” ‌ | Ivars Seleckis, armands Začs |‍ Mistrus Media ⁣ |

In the short documentary category, “Tukšuma ‍aicinājums” (The Call of​ emptiness), directed by Jānis Ābele‌ and produced by KMM‌ visuals and TET+, stood ⁤out as a⁣ strong contender.

The Phenomenon of Juris Podnieks

Juris Podnieks’ films were more than just visual narratives; they were emotional journeys ⁢that connected deeply with‌ audiences. His ability to capture the essence of Latvian identity and history made him⁣ a​ cultural icon. The documentary “Podnieks par Podnieku. Laika liecinieks” not only celebrates his contributions but also invites viewers to explore the ‍man behind the camera—a visionary who ‌used film as a tool for societal ‌reflection and change.As Latvian cinema continues to evolve, the legacy of Juris Podnieks remains a guiding light, inspiring filmmakers to tell stories that are both personal and universal.

Explore the ‌award-winning documentary “Podnieks par Podnieku. Laika liecinieks” to discover the life and work of one of Latvia’s most influential filmmakers.

Latvian Cinema Shines at the “Lielais‍ Kristaps” Awards

The prestigious “Lielais Kristaps” awards, Latvia’s national film honors, celebrated outstanding achievements in cinema this ⁢year, ‍with two standout productions taking home top prizes.From poignant⁢ documentaries to captivating animations, the event highlighted the depth and creativity of Latvian filmmakers.

Best Short documentary: “Caur bērna acīm”

Director Gerda Jirgena’s debut film,‌ “Caur bērna acīm” (Through the Eyes of a ‍Child), was awarded Best Short Documentary.Produced as part of Latvijas Televīzija’s project‍ “Latvijas kods”, the film delves into the emotional⁣ scars left on children who grew up during Latvia’s economic crisis.

The documentary explores how the absence of ⁣parents ⁤during these formative years continues to shape the lives of these individuals as adults. “It’s a powerful reminder of the long-term impact of childhood trauma,” said one jury member. The film’s raw‌ and heartfelt storytelling resonated deeply ​with audiences and critics ⁤alike.

Nominees for Best Short Documentary:

  • “Laidi”, directed by Ieva Epnere, produced by VFS Films
  • “latvijas ‌kods. Caur bērna acīm”, directed ⁢by Gerda Jirgena, produced by​ Tricksters Pictures and Latvijas Televīzija
  • “Latvijas kods.​ Palīdzības piemineklis”, directed by Ivars Zviedris, produced by⁣ Dokumentālists
  • “Latvijas kods.​ Postpartum”, directed by Katrīna Birkenberga, produced by Odze Films and Latvijas Televīzija
  • “Pēdējā tikšanās”, directed by Kārlis Lesiņš, produced by ⁢ Woodpecker​ Pictures

Best Animated Film: “Straume”​

The ⁢animated film “Straume” (The Stream) added another accolade to ‍its growing list of international awards by‌ winning Best ⁣Animated Film at the “Lielais‍ Kristaps” ceremony. The film’s protagonist, Kaķis (The Cat), is a solitary figure whose life is upended when a massive flood destroys his home.

Forced to seek refuge in ‍a small boat⁣ with other animals—Kapibara, Lemur, Dog, and Bird—Kaķis⁤ embarks on a‍ journey⁣ through mysterious landscapes. along the way,he learns the value of cooperation and adaptation in a world now devoid of humans.

“Straume” has been praised for its emotional depth and thought-provoking narrative, earning both audience admiration and critical ​acclaim worldwide. ‍

Nominees⁣ for Best Animated film:

  • “Straume”, produced ⁤by Odze Films

Key Highlights ‌of the Awards

| Category​ | Winner ​ ⁤ ​ | Director/Producer ​ ⁣ | ​
| Best ⁣Short Documentary | “Caur bērna acīm” ‌ | Gerda Jirgena / Tricksters Pictures |
| Best Animated Film ​ | “Straume” ‌ ​ |​ Odze Films ‍ |

The “Lielais Kristaps” ‌awards continue to be​ a platform for recognizing the talent and creativity of Latvian filmmakers. ⁤This year’s winners, “Caur bērna⁢ acīm” and ⁤ “Straume”, are testaments to the power of storytelling in addressing universal themes and emotions.

For⁢ more insights into Latvian cinema, explore the works of Latvijas Televīzija and other productions by Tricksters Pictures and ⁣ Odze Films.

What are your thoughts on this year’s winners? Share your favorite Latvian films in the comments below!

Latvian ⁢Cinema Shines ⁣at the “Lielais Kristaps” Awards

The⁣ prestigious “Lielais Kristaps” awards celebrated the best of Latvian cinema this year, honoring ‍films⁤ that delve into historical narratives,‍ human rights struggles, and the complexities of aging. From the gripping series “Dumpis” to the heartfelt ‌debut “Mani 80 pavasari”, ​the event showcased⁣ the ⁣diversity and depth of Latvian storytelling.

Best Multi-Episode Film: “Dumpis”

The award for Best Multi-Episode Film went to ‌ Andrejs Ēķis‘s ⁣ “Dumpis”, a historical drama based on true events. The series, produced by Cinevilla Films and TET+, tells the story of a ​1975 mutiny ‍attempt on ⁣a⁤ Soviet ⁤warship, led by the idealistic political officer Špagins.

Set against the backdrop of Brezhnev-era stagnation, the series vividly portrays life in a communal apartment in Riga, the unchecked​ power of the Soviet nomenklatura, and the protagonist’s quixotic fight for human rights and freedoms. ⁣

Nominations‌ for Best Multi-Episode Film

  • “asistente”, directed by Liene Linde and Alise Zariņa, produced by Ego Media. ​
  • “Dumpis”,directed by Andrejs Ēķis,produced by ⁢ Cinevilla films and TET+. ‌
  • “Pansija pilī”, directed by ⁢ Andis⁢ Mizišs, Marta ⁢Elīna Martinsone,⁢ Dāvis ⁢Sīmanis, and⁤ Gints Grūbe, produced⁢ by Mistrus Media. ‌

Best Debut Film: “Mani 80 pavasari”

The Best Debut Film award was presented ⁣to Agneses Laizāne for her work “mani 80 pavasari”. The film explores the challenges and vitality of aging, focusing on protagonists who are over 80‍ years old.

Best ⁣Animated Short Film: “Straume”

In the animated short film category, Gints zilbalodis‘s “Straume” took the top​ prize. Produced by Dream Well Studio, Sacrebleu Productions, and ‌ Take Five, the film captivated audiences with its unique storytelling ⁤and visual artistry.‌

Nominations for⁢ Best Animated Short Film

  • “Brīnumskapis” ‌(“Manai mammai nav bail”; “Viss, ko nedrīkst”;​ “Durvju burvis”), directed by Krista Burāne, produced‍ by VFS Films.
  • “Freeride in C”,directed by Edmunds Jansons,produced by Atom Art.
  • “Kafka. Iemīlējies”, directed by Zane oborenko, produced ⁢by Atom‌ Art and Maur Film.
  • “Straume”, directed by Gints Zilbalodis, produced by Dream​ Well Studio, Sacrebleu Productions, and Take Five. ​

Key‌ Highlights of the Awards

| Category ⁣ | ⁣ winner | Director ⁣ | Production ⁣ ‍ ⁣ |
|‌ Best Multi-Episode Film | ⁢ “Dumpis” ​ ​ | Andrejs Ēķis | Cinevilla ⁢Films, TET+ ‌ ‍ ⁢ ⁤ ⁢ |
| Best Debut Film ​ | “Mani 80 pavasari” ​ | ‍ Agneses Laizāne |⁢ – ⁤ ​ ​ ⁣ ⁤ ⁢ |
| Best Animated Short Film‍ | “Straume” ⁢ | Gints Zilbalodis ⁣ | Dream ⁢well Studio, Sacrebleu Productions, Take Five ⁣ |

The “lielais Kristaps” awards continue to highlight the creativity and resilience​ of Latvian filmmakers, offering audiences a glimpse into the nation’s rich cultural heritage and contemporary issues.

For more insights into Latvian cinema, explore the works of Mistrus Media and Cinevilla Films, two of the country’s leading production⁢ houses.

What are your thoughts⁢ on this​ year’s winners? Share your favorite moments ⁤from the awards in the comments below!

Inspiring Latvian Seniors and Emerging Filmmakers Shine at the “Lielais ⁤Kristaps” Awards

In a celebration of resilience, creativity, and the human spirit, the “Lielais⁣ Kristaps” awards highlighted the stories of inspiring Latvian seniors and the ‍next generation of filmmakers. ⁢This year’s event showcased films that ⁢delve into the essence of life, the challenges of aging, and the pursuit of meaning, proving that art knows no age limits.

The⁤ Power of Positivism and ⁤Movement

The theme​ of this year’s awards was deeply rooted⁣ in positivism, mental clarity, ⁣and the desire‌ to stay active ‌within one’s limits. As the event ‍emphasized, “pozitīvisms, prāta asums un vēlme savu iespēju robežās būt kustībā – dzīvot” (positivism, mental sharpness, and the desire to stay active within one’s⁢ limits – to live). This sentiment was beautifully captured in the nominated films, which explored the lives of seniors who⁤ continue to pursue their passions despite the challenges of aging.

One standout film was “Mani ​80 pavasari” (My 80 Springs), directed by Agnese Laizāne and produced by “K Films”. This poignant documentary follows the journey of seniors who refuse to let ⁢age define them, showcasing ‍their zest for life and determination to remain active. ⁢

Nominations and Winners

The awards ​ceremony recognized ‌excellence across various categories, with ​a special focus on student films. Here’s a breakdown of the nominees and winners:

| Category ⁣ ‍ ‌ |​ Film ⁣ ‍ ⁢ ⁢ ⁤ | Director ‍ | Production ⁣ ​ |
| Best Film ⁣ ​ | “Mani 80 pavasari” ⁢ ⁣ ⁢ | Agnese Laizāne | “K Films” ⁢ ‍ ‍ ⁣ ‍ |
| Best Student Film | “Luna” ‍ ​ ⁣ | Amanda Grīnberga | Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijas Nacionālā filmu skola ⁢ |
| Best Documentary | “Latvijas kods. Caur bērna acīm” | Gerda Jirgena | “Tricksters Pictures”, Latvijas Televīzija ​ ‍ |
| Best Animation ​ ‍ | “gaida” ⁤ ‌ ​ | ‌Kalvis Rudzītis | “Kalvis​ Rudzitis ‌Animation” ​ ‌ |

The Best Student Film award, accompanied by the “Lielais Kristaps” lantern, was awarded ‌to “Luna”, directed ⁣by Amanda Grīnberga. This film, produced by the Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijas Nacionālā filmu skola, stood out ⁤for its innovative storytelling and emotional depth.

A Celebration of Life and Legacy

The films‌ nominated this year not only entertained but also ‍provoked thought about the human experience. From‍ the exploration of aging in “Mani 80 pavasari” to the imaginative‍ storytelling in⁤ “Luna”, each film offered a unique perspective on life’s challenges and triumphs. ‍

As the event concluded, it left⁣ audiences with a powerful message: life is ⁤about embracing every moment, staying active, and finding meaning in the face of ⁤adversity. Whether through the lens⁣ of a ‌seasoned filmmaker or a budding student, these stories remind us of the beauty of resilience and the enduring power of‍ art.

Call to Action

Inspired by these stories? Dive deeper into the⁢ world of Latvian cinema by exploring⁢ the works of these talented filmmakers. Watch “Mani ⁣80 pavasari” to witness the strength of the human spirit, or discover the creativity of Amanda Grīnberga in “Luna”. let these films remind you that it’s⁣ never to late to pursue your passions or too early to make your mark. ⁣

For more information on the “Lielais Kristaps” awards and the ​nominated films, visit the official website of latvijas Televīzija or follow “K‍ Films” for ‌updates on their latest projects.

Labākais spēlfilmas režisors ‍

Šogad labākā spēlfilmas režisora apbalvojums tika piešķirts Dāvim Sīmanim par viņa filmu⁢ “Marijas klusums“. ‌Filma, kas ieguva atzinību gan Latvijā, gan starptautiski, stāsta par dziedātājas Marijas⁢ Leiko dzīvi, ⁤kas kļuva par vēsturisku prizmu, caur kuru var ⁤ieskatīties 20. gadsimta pirmās puses notikumos.

“Latviešu auditorijai un arī starptautiski Marijas‌ Leiko dzīvesstāsts ⁣savā ziņā raksturo laiku, ko‍ mēdzam dēvēt par pasaules sajukšanu prātā: periodu, kas ⁣sākās ar Pirmo pasaules karu, revolūciju Krievijā un Vācijā, pēc tam arī starpkaru periodu ar autokrātisko, autoritāro režīmu veidošanos. Marijas Leiko personība kaut‌ kā izceļo cauri šiem periodiem,šīm dažādajām vietām un ar savu pieredzējumu vai klātbūtni‌ tās ļoti⁣ spilgti raksturo. Tas varbūt ⁢arī⁤ ir pats galvenais – viņa ir vēsturiska prizma, caur⁣ kuru mēs varam ieskatīties tā laika notikumos nevis no viena šaura leņķa, bet gan izgaismojot visu 20. gadsimta pirmo ⁣pusi ar tai raksturīgajām politiskajām un kultūras peripetijām, arī vēsturiskajām katastrofām,​ kas tajā laikā notikušas,” komentēja Dāvis Sīmanis.

Labākais scenārists

Par gada labākajiem scenāristiem tika atzīti Gints Zilbalodis un Matīss Kaža par viņu filmu ⁣”Straume“. Filma bez dialogiem izstāsta emocionālu stāstu par filmas varoņu satikšanos, sadarbību un draudzību.


  • Juris Kursietis, Līga Celma-Kursiete (“Cildenie”)
  • Dāvis Sīmanis, Magali⁢ Negroni, Tabita Rudzāte‍ (“Marijas klusums”)
  • Antra Cilinska, anna Viduleja⁢ (“Podnieks par Podnieku. ⁢laika liecinieks”)
  • Gints Zilbalodis, Matīss Kaža (“Straume”)

Labākais ​spēlfilmas ‌režisors

Labākā spēlfilmas režisora ​gods šogad piešķirts Dāvim Sīmanim par filmu “Marijas klusums“.

“Latviešu auditorijai un arī starptautiski Marijas Leiko ​dzīvesstāsts savā ziņā raksturo laiku, ko mēdzam dēvēt par pasaules ⁣sajukšanu prātā: periodu, kas sākās ar Pirmo pasaules karu, revolūciju Krievijā un Vācijā, pēc tam⁤ arī starpkaru periodu ar ​autokrātisko, autoritāro režīmu veidošanos. Marijas Leiko personība kaut⁣ kā izceļo cauri šiem periodiem, šīm dažādajām‌ vietām un ar savu pieredzējumu vai klātbūtni tās ļoti spilgti raksturo. Tas ‌varbūt arī ir pats galvenais – viņa ir vēsturiska prizma, caur kuru ​mēs varam ieskatīties tā laika notikumos nevis no viena ​šaura leņķa,⁢ bet gan izgaismojot visu 20. gadsimta pirmo pusi ar tai raksturīgajām politiskajām un kultūras peripetijām,arī vēsturiskajām katastrofām,kas​ tajā laikā notikušas,” par filmu sacījis režisors.

Kategorija Uzvarētājs filma
Labākais spēlfilmas režisors Dāvis Sīmanis Marijas klusums
labākais scenārists Gints Zilbalodis, matīss Kaža Straume

Šie apbalvojumi ir vēl viens pierādījums tam, ka ‌Latvijas kino industrija turpina attīstīties un radīt kvalitatīvus un nozīmīgus darbus, kas⁢ atstāj iespaidu gan vietējā,⁤ gan starptautiskā līmenī.

Latvian ⁤Cinema⁣ Shines at Annual Film Awards

The Latvian film industry celebrated its brightest stars at the annual film awards, with marijas klusums (Maria’s Silence) emerging⁢ as a standout winner. The event highlighted exceptional talent across various categories, from directing to acting, showcasing the depth and creativity of Latvian ⁣cinema.

Best⁣ Director: Dāvis Sīmanis for⁤ Marijas klusums

Dāvis Sīmanis took home the award for Best Director for his poignant work on Marijas klusums. The film tells the story of Marija Leiko, a Latvian actress who travels to the Soviet Union ‌to care for her granddaughter,⁣ only to become​ a witness and victim⁢ of stalin’s campaign against Latvians. Sīmanis’s direction masterfully captures the ‌emotional and historical weight of the narrative.


  • Andra Doršs, Marta Selecka (Bum!)
  • Juris Kursietis⁤ (Cildenie)
  • Mārcis Lācis (Mūžības skartie)
  • Dāvis ‍Sīmanis (Marijas klusums)
  • Andis Mizišs, ⁣Marta Elīna Martinsone, Dāvis Sīmanis (Pansija pilī)

Best Actress in a Leading Role: Olga Šepicka-Slapjuma

Olga Šepicka-Slapjuma was honored as Best ‌Actress for her portrayal of Marija Leiko in Marijas klusums. Her performance brought depth and authenticity ‍to the character, who navigates the harrowing ​realities of Stalin’s regime.


  • Elīna Hanzena (Dumpis) ⁢
  • Elizabete Lielmane (Asistente)
  • Diāna krista Stafecka (Tukšuma aicinājums)
  • Olga Šepicka-Slapjuma (Marijas klusums)
  • Johanna Vokaleka (Cildenie) ‌

Best Cinematographer: Jurģis Kmins for Piecarpus mīlas stāsti kādā dzīvoklī

Jurģis kmins won the award for Best Cinematographer for his work on Piecarpus mīlas stāsti kādā dzīvoklī (Five and a Half love Stories in an Apartment). The​ film, a collaborative project between Lithuania, Ireland, and Latvia, explores the intimate stories⁢ of an Airbnb apartment’s visitors, with ⁢Kmins’s visuals ‍adding a unique layer of storytelling. ‍


  • Mārcis Ābele (Mūžības skartie)
  • Gatis Grīnbergs (Dumpis)
  • Jurģis Kmins (Piecarpus ⁣mīlas stāsti kādā dzīvoklī)
  • Andrejs Rudzāts (Marijas klusums)

Key Highlights at a Glance

|⁤ Category ⁤ ⁣ | Winner ⁣ | Film ​ ‌ ​ ⁢ ‌ |
|—————————-|——————————–|—————————————| ⁢
| ‌Best Director ‍ ​ | Dāvis Sīmanis ‌ | Marijas klusums ​ ​ |
| Best Actress | Olga⁢ Šepicka-Slapjuma ​ | Marijas klusums ‌ ‍ | ⁢
| Best Cinematographer | ⁣Jurģis Kmins | Piecarpus mīlas stāsti kādā ⁢dzīvoklī|

The awards ceremony not only celebrated‌ individual achievements but also⁤ underscored the growing influence of Latvian cinema on the international stage. Films ⁤like Marijas klusums and piecarpus ⁢mīlas stāsti kādā⁢ dzīvoklī are testaments to the industry’s ability‌ to ⁢tell compelling ​stories that resonate globally.

For more insights into latvian cinema, explore the Latvian National Film Centre and stay updated on upcoming projects ‍and screenings. ⁤

What ​are your thoughts on this year’s winners?​ Share your favorite moments⁣ from⁣ the ‍awards in the comments below!

Latvian Film and Television Awards: Celebrating Excellence⁤ in Acting

This ​year’s‌ Latvian Film ⁣and Television Awards brought together some of the most talented actors and actresses in the industry, recognizing their outstanding performances across various productions. From⁤ gripping dramas to quirky ⁣comedies, the nominees and winners ‍showcased the depth and diversity of Latvian talent.

Best Actress in a Supporting‍ Role

The award for Best Actress in a‍ Supporting Role went to Ilze Ķuzule-Skrastiņa ⁢for her portrayal of Gerda,a society lady and NGO leader,in the series “Asistente”. Her nuanced ⁢performance brought depth to the character, earning⁢ her critical acclaim and the admiration of the jury.

nominees for Best Actress in a Supporting Role

  • Dace Everss (“Pansija pilī”)
  • Inese Kučinska ⁢ (“Marijas klusums”)
  • Ilze Ķuzule-skrastiņa (“Asistente”)
  • Inga Tropa (“Dumpis”)
  • Guna Zariņa (“Pansija pilī”)

Best Actor in a Supporting Role

Ģirts⁢ Ķesteris took home the award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for his portrayal of Leonīds Zakovskis, a Soviet security officer and one of the organizers of Stalin’s repressions, in the film “Marijas klusums”. His chilling performance captured the complexity of the character, leaving a lasting impression on audiences.

Nominees for Best Actor in a Supporting Role

  • Vilis Daudziņš (“Pansija pilī”)
  • Egons Dombrovskis (“Marijas klusums”)
  • Ģirts Ķesteris (“Marijas klusums”)

Best Actor in a Leading⁢ Role

The award for Best Actor in a Leading Role was presented to Andris Keišs ‍for his ⁢role as Resnais, ⁣a cryptocurrency trader living in a lonely trailer,⁢ in the vampire comedy “Mūžības skartie”. His portrayal of a ‍man grappling with immortality and isolation was both humorous and poignant, earning⁢ him widespread praise.

Nominees for Best actor in a Leading Role

  • Toms Auniņš (“Banāns upē”)
  • Andris Keišs (“Mūžības skartie”)
  • artūrs Skrastiņš (“Marijas klusums”)
  • Rihards Zelezņevs (“Pansija pilī”)
  • Juris Žagars (“Cildenie”) ⁣

Summary of Winners

|​ category ‌ ⁤ ‍ | Winner ‌ ​ | Production ⁤ ⁣ |
|———————————-|—————————–|————————-| ⁣
| Best Actress in a Supporting Role | Ilze Ķuzule-Skrastiņa ⁤|‍ “Asistente” ⁣ ‍ |
| Best Actor in a Supporting Role | Ģirts Ķesteris | ‌ “Marijas‍ klusums” |
| best Actor in a Leading Role ⁢ | Andris Keišs ​ ​| “Mūžības skartie” |

The Latvian Film and Television Awards continue to celebrate the exceptional talent within the industry, highlighting performances that resonate ⁢with audiences and critics alike. This year’s winners ⁤have set a high ⁣standard,⁤ inspiring future generations of actors and actresses to push the boundaries of​ their craft. ‌

For more insights into Latvian cinema and television, explore the ​ Latvian National ⁢Film Centre and stay updated on the latest productions and awards.

Celebrating Excellence in‍ Film and Theater: A Night of⁣ Artistic Triumphs

The world of film and theater recently ‌witnessed a celebration of creativity and craftsmanship as awards were handed out to the best in costume design, makeup artistry, and film production. The spotlight shone‌ brightly on the historical drama “Marijas⁤ klusums”, which took home multiple accolades, alongside other notable works⁣ like “Mūžības skartie” and “Cildenie”.

Best Costume ⁤Design: A Journey to 1930s Moscow

The award for Best‌ Costume⁣ Design went to Kristīne⁢ Jurjāne, Rūta Kuplā, and Aija Strazdiņa for their work on “Marijas klusums”. The film, set in 1930s moscow, tells the story of ⁤actress Marija Leiko, ⁣the theater troupe “Skatuve”, and the Stalin-initiated campaign ⁢against Latvians. The costumes, meticulously crafted to reflect the era, transported audiences to a time of political tension⁢ and artistic resilience.

Other nominees included Kristīne Jurjāne and Rūta Kuplā for⁢ “Pansija pilī”, Elīna Pērkone for “Mūžības skartie”, Sandra Sila for “Dumpis”, and Jaanus Vahtra and Berta Vilipsone-Ieleja for “Cildenie”.

best Makeup Artist: Immortality and ​Blood

The Best Makeup Artist award was claimed by santa Sandule for her work on the⁣ vampire ‍film “Mūžības skartie”. Sandule’s artistry ⁤brought ‍to life ⁤the film’s‌ themes of immortality, blood, and fangs, creating a visually stunning and haunting experience. ⁤

Competing in this category were Ivars Krasts for “Mūžības skartie”, Ģirts Ķesteris for “Marijas klusums”, kaspars Znotiņš for “Pansija pilī”, and Rovskis ⁤ for “Dumpis”. ⁤

Best Film Artist: Crafting a Scandalous World

The title of Best Film‌ Artist was awarded to Laura Dišlere for her⁢ work on “Cildenie”. Dišlere masterfully depicted the shadowy world of a scandalous couple, immersing viewers in a narrative rich with intrigue and drama.

Other nominees included Maija Jansone for “Dumpis”, Kristīne Jurjāne for “Marijas klusums”, Kristīne‍ Jurjāne and Jānis Kalniņš ‍ for “Pansija pilī”, and Aivars Žukovskis for “Mūžības skartie”.

Key Winners at a Glance

|​ Category | Winner(s) ​ | Work ⁣ ⁣ ‌ ⁣ |
|————————–|—————————————-|————————| ‌
| best Costume Design ‌ | Kristīne Jurjāne, Rūta Kuplā, Aija Strazdiņa | “Marijas klusums” ‍ ​ |
| Best Makeup Artist ⁣ ‍ | Santa Sandule ‌ ⁤| “Mūžības skartie” |⁤
| Best Film Artist ⁣ | Laura Dišlere ‌ ‍ ⁣ | “Cildenie” ​ |

A‌ Night to Remember

The awards ceremony was a testament to the power of storytelling and the dedication of artists who bring these stories to‍ life. ⁢From the historical depths of “Marijas klusums” to the ⁣supernatural allure of “Mūžības skartie”,⁤ each winning work showcased the ‍unique talents of its creators.​ ⁢

As the curtain falls on this celebration, the film ​and theater community looks forward to another year of innovation,‍ creativity, and​ unforgettable artistry.

For more insights⁢ into the world of‍ film and theater, explore⁢ our coverage of ⁣ Latvian cinema and theater productions.

Ivars Zviedris Triumphs with⁣ “Esi uzticīgs ⁢līdz nāvei” at Latvian Documentary Awards

The Latvian ‍documentary film industry celebrated its finest ⁢talents at the recent awards ceremony, with ‌ Ivars Zviedris taking home the prestigious title⁢ of Best ⁤Documentary Director for his poignant film,⁢ “Esi uzticīgs ‍līdz nāvei” (Be Faithful Until Death). The film delves into the complex and tragicomic story of a couple, Māra and Ivars, whose 24-year relationship has evolved into a dependency marked by duty rather than love.​

The narrative explores how their once-loving bond ‍has deteriorated into a cycle of resentment and survival. As Ivars falls ill,Māra is faced with a heart-wrenching decision: to end the relationship and‍ seek ⁢freedom or continue in a union that has lost its meaning. Zviedris masterfully captures the ⁤emotional turmoil and the stark realities of their​ lives, offering viewers a raw and unfiltered ⁤look at⁤ the human condition.

A Competitive Field of Nominees

Zviedris’ win was no small⁣ feat, as ⁤he was⁢ up against a strong lineup of nominees, including:

  • Ērika Lifrēdo and Krista Burāne for “Dzīves tango”
  • Māris Maskalāns for “Beigas”
  • Ivars Seleckis and Armands Začs for “Turpinājums. Pieaugšana”
  • Antra Cilinska and Anna⁢ Viduleja for “Podnieks par Podnieku. Laika liecinieks”

Best‌ Documentary Cinematography

In the category of Best Documentary Cinematography, the award went ​to Valdis Celmiņš and Mārcis Slavinskis for their work on “Turpinājums. Pieaugšana”. The film offers a unique perspective on modern Latvia through ‍the eyes of five teenagers, showcasing the duo’s exceptional ability to capture the essence of their subjects.

Other nominees‌ in this category included:

  • Gints Bērziņš for “Gala punkti”
  • Dzintra Bijubena for “Dumpis”
  • Aija Beata Rjabovska for “Marijas klusums”
  • Aija Beata Rjabovska and Ieva ‍Sebre for “Sausi slīkstot”
  • Santa sandule for “Mūžības skartie”
  • Ilze Trumpe ‌ for “Pansija pilī”

Key‌ Takeaways from‌ the Awards⁢

| Category ⁤ | Winner ‍ ⁢ ​ ⁢ ​ | Film ⁢ ⁣ ‍ |
| Best Documentary director ‌ | Ivars Zviedris ‍ ⁢ | “Esi uzticīgs līdz nāvei” | ‍
| Best Documentary ‌Cinematography ‍| Valdis Celmiņš, Mārcis Slavinskis | “Turpinājums. Pieaugšana” |

A Celebration of Latvian Documentary Excellence

The awards highlighted the depth and diversity of Latvian documentary filmmaking, with stories ranging from personal struggles to societal reflections. Zviedris’ “Esi uzticīgs līdz nāvei” stands out as a testament to the power of ‌storytelling, offering a deeply human narrative that resonates with audiences. ⁢

For those interested ‌in exploring these ‌films further,“Esi uzticīgs līdz⁣ nāvei” and “Turpinājums. Pieaugšana” are must-watch entries in the Latvian documentary ⁣canon.

What are your thoughts on this year’s winners? Share your opinions and join the conversation about the evolving ⁢landscape of Latvian cinema.

Latvian Animation Awards: Celebrating the Best in the Industry

The Latvian animation scene continues to thrive, with talented creators pushing the boundaries of storytelling and artistry. At the recent awards ceremony, several⁣ standout works were recognized, showcasing the diversity and innovation within​ the industry. From heartfelt ‌explorations of love to ‌visually stunning narratives,‍ the winners and nominees have set a high ⁤bar for animation excellence.

Best Animation Director: Gints Zilbalodis

Gints Zilbalodis, known for his solo work, took home the‌ award for Best Animation Director for his​ film “Straume”. The film, much like its protagonist, a cat, explores the theme of collaboration—a departure from Zilbalodis’s usual ⁣self-reliant approach.⁣ His ability to weave a compelling narrative while embracing teamwork has earned him critical acclaim.

Nominees for Best Animation Director

  • Krista Burāne (animation short film series “Brīnumskapis”)
  • Toms Burāns (“Garu simbioze”)
  • Edmunds Jansons (“Freeride in C”)
  • Zane Oborenko (“Kafka.Iemīlējies”)

Best animation Artist: Zane Oborenko

Zane Oborenko was celebrated as the Best Animation Artist for her work on “Kafka. Iemīlējies”. The film delves into the multifaceted experience of falling in love,drawing ⁢inspiration from Franz Kafka’s letters to​ milena​ Jesenská. Oborenko’s artistic vision and attention to detail brought this poignant story ⁢to life, earning her well-deserved recognition.

Nominees for Best Animation Artist

  • toms Burāns (“Garu simbioze”)
  • Edmunds Jansons (“Freeride in C”) ⁢
  • Gints Zilbalodis (“Straume”)
  • Anete⁢ Melece,Kristīne ‌Jurjāne ⁢(“Turpinājums. pieaugšana”)

Special Jury Award: Māris Maskalāns

The international jury awarded a Special Jury Prize ‌to Māris Maskalāns for his ⁣film “Beigas”. The jury praised the film’s sensitive and precise cinematography, highlighting ​Maskalāns’s exceptional skill in capturing‍ the essence of the story.

Other Notable‌ Nominations

  • Valdis Celmiņš,​ Mārcis Slavinskis⁢ (“Turpinājums. Pieaugšana”)
  • Jānis Šēnbergs (“Tesa ⁣Man”)
  • Ivars Zviedris (“esi uzticīgs līdz nāvei”)

Key Highlights at a Glance

| ⁢ Category ‍ ‍ | Winner ‌ ‌ ‍ | Work ‌ ⁣ |
| Best Animation Director | Gints zilbalodis | “Straume” ​ ⁤ ‌ | ⁢
| Best Animation Artist‍ | Zane Oborenko ⁣ | “Kafka.Iemīlējies” |
| Special Jury Award | Māris Maskalāns⁣ ‌ ⁣ | “Beigas” ⁤ |

A Celebration of Latvian Animation

The awards ceremony not only honored individual achievements but also highlighted the collective talent within‍ the Latvian animation ‍industry. From exploring complex emotions to experimenting with new storytelling techniques, these creators‌ continue to inspire audiences and peers ‍alike.

For ⁤more insights into the world of animation, explore the works of these ⁢talented artists and immerse yourself in the rich narratives they’ve brought to life. ‍

Stay tuned for more updates on the latest in animation and film!

Latvian Film⁤ Industry Celebrates Excellence in Sound and Editing

The Latvian film industry ⁢recently honored its brightest talents in ‍sound design and editing,with Gurvals Koiks-Gallass and‍ Sandra Alksne taking home top awards.The ceremony highlighted the creative brilliance⁣ behind some of the year’s most‌ acclaimed films, including “Straume” and “Podnieks par Podnieku. Laika liecinieks.”

Gurvals⁣ Koiks-Gallass Wins Best Sound Director Award

Gurvals Koiks-Gallass, the mastermind behind the immersive soundscapes of “Straume”, was awarded the Best Sound Director prize. His ⁤work brought the film’s animal and nature sounds to life, creating an auditory experience that⁢ captivated audiences.

The competition was fierce,with nominees ⁢including Ernests Ansons for “Pansija pilī”,Edvards Broders for⁣ “Beigas”,Anrijs Krenbergs for “Gala punkti”,and Artis Lūsis for “Bum!”. However, Koiks-Gallass’s innovative approach ​to sound design⁤ set him apart.

Sandra Alksne Recognized for Best‍ Editing

Sandra Alksne earned the Best Editing Director award for her work on⁣ “Podnieks par Podnieku. Laika liecinieks”. The film,a tribute to director Juri Podnieks,showcased his life and work through a reflective lens. Alksne’s editing seamlessly wove together Podnieks’s⁤ legacy, earning her critical acclaim.

Other ⁢nominees in this category included⁤ Paula Ločmele and Jurģis Ločmelis for “Dumpis”,‍ and ⁢ Ieva Veiverīte for “Gala‍ punkti”. Alksne’s ⁣meticulous craftsmanship ultimately secured her the win.

Gints Zilbalodis and Rihards Zaļupe Take Home Best composer Award

The accolades for “Straume” didn’t stop at sound design.‌ Composers Gints Zilbalodis and Rihards ‍Zaļupe were honored with the Best Composer award for their ⁣evocative score. ⁤Their music added depth and ⁣emotion to the film’s narrative, enhancing its impact. ⁣

They triumphed over a⁤ talented⁤ pool of nominees, including Toms Auniņš for “Mūžības skartie”,⁣ Kārlis Auzāns for “Podnieks par Podnieku. Laika liecinieks”, Ģirts Bišs for “Kafka. Iemīlējies”, and Arturs Maskats for “dzīves tango”.

Summary of Award Winners

|⁤ Category | Winner ‍ ⁤ | Film ‌ ‌ ⁣ ​ |
| Best Sound Director | Gurvals Koiks-Gallass ‌ | “straume”‍ ​ ⁣ |
| Best Editing ⁢Director ⁤ | Sandra Alksne ‌ ‍ | “Podnieks par Podnieku. Laika liecinieks” |
| Best Composer ​ ​ ⁣| Gints Zilbalodis, Rihards Zaļupe | “Straume” ⁣ ‌ |

Celebrating Latvian Cinema

These awards‌ underscore the talent and dedication within the Latvian film industry. From the intricate soundscapes of “Straume” to the poignant⁢ storytelling of “Podnieks par Podnieku. Laika liecinieks”, the winners have‌ set a high standard for cinematic excellence. ⁣

As the industry continues to grow, these achievements serve as a testament to the creativity and innovation driving Latvian cinema forward. For‍ more insights into the world of film, explore the works of these award-winning artists and⁤ discover the stories they bring to life.

Latvijas Kino balvas: Jauni Ceļi un Spilgtas Personības

Latvijas kino pasaule šogad atkal pierādīja, ka tā ir pilna jauniem, pārsteidzošiem un negaidītiem ceļiem uz kalnu virsotnēm​ – gan tiešā, gan pārnestā nozīmē. Šogad notikušajā⁤ “Lielā Kristapa” balvu pasniegšanas ceremonijā tika atzīmēti gan jauni talanti, gan jau ​pazīstami vārdi, kas turpina veidot Latvijas kino vēsturi.

Skatītāju Balva: Ginta Zilbaloža “Straume”

Skatītāju balvu šogad saņēma režisora⁣ Ginta Zilbaloža animācijas filma​ “Straume”. Balvas ieguvēju⁤ noteica skatītāju balsojums, kas Latvijas Sabiedriskā medija portālā LSM.lv notika no 14.janvāra līdz 2. ⁣februārim.Balsojumā piedalījās 29 filmas – visas, kas nominētas kādā no “Lielā Kristapa” balvas kino darbu kategorijām un līdz balsojuma sākumam tikušas publiski izrādītas.

“Straume” ir filma, kas ne tikai ieguva skatītāju simpātijas, bet arī atklāja jaunus horizontus Latvijas animācijas pasaulē.

Īpašās Balvas: Novatori⁣ un Spilgtas Personības

Interneta žurnāls “Kino Raksti” ar savu balvu gribēja atbalstīt tos, kuriem Latvijas filmu nozarē tagad ir visgrūtāk. “Mēs​ gribam pierādīt, ka ir dzīve arī pēc “Straumes”.⁤ Un tā ir! Šogad “Lielā Kristapa” konkurence animācijā apliecina,ka joprojām eksistē pilnīgi jauni,pārsteidzoši un neviena neieti ceļi uz kalnu virsotnēm – tiešā un pārnestā nozīmē,” norādīja žurnāla redakcija.”Kino Raksti”​ balvu saņēma edmunda Jansona īsfilma “FREERIDE in‌ C”. “Šī filma desmit minūtēs ietver tik daudz novatorisku⁤ domu un ⁣teorētisku dziļumu,ka tās recenzija autorei Ievai Viesei atnesa nomināciju Normunda Naumaņa balvai mākslas kritikā,” teica žurnāls.

aktieris Vilis daudziņš arī tika atzīmēts ar īpašu balvu. Digitālais žurnāls “Santa Plus” viņam dāvināja mūža⁢ abonementu. “Otrā plāna lomā viņš ⁤pērn bijis patiesi spožs pat divreiz​ – gan kā izmanīgs veikalnieks daudzsēriju filmā “Pansija pilī”, gan kā pagājušā ‍gada pieprasītākās grāmatas autores vīrs,”⁤ žurnāls pamatoja savu izvēli.

Valmiermuižas simpātiju balva aizceļoja pie dokumentālās filmas “Podnieks par Podnieku. laika‌ liecinieks” ⁤komandas. Šī filma “vēsta par spēcīgu personību, sava ceļa​ gājēju, kurš tieši⁤ un skaudri spēja runāt par laiku, sabiedrību, indivīdu un nāci,” teica žurnāls.

Balvu⁣ Ieguvēju Kopsavilkums

| Balva | Ieguvējs ⁤ | Filma vai Sasniegums⁤ ​ ‍|
| Skatītāju balva ‍ | Gints Zilbalodis ⁢ | “Straume” ​ |
| “kino Raksti” balva ⁣| Edmunds Jansons‍ ⁤ | “FREERIDE in C” ⁣ |
| “Santa Plus” balva | Vilis Daudziņš | ‌Lomās filmās “Pansija pilī” un grāmatā⁤ ⁤ |
| Valmiermuižas balva | ‌”Podnieks par Podnieku” komanda ‍ | dokumentālā filma⁣ “Podnieks par Podnieku”|


Šogadējās “lielā Kristapa” balvas pasniegšanas ceremonija atkal parādīja,ka ​latvijas kino pasaule ir dzīva un pilna jauniem‍ ideāliem.No animācijas līdz dokumentālajām filmām, katrs balvas ieguvējs ir pierādījis, ka ir vērts sekot jauniem ceļiem un atklāt negaidītas virsotnes.

Vai jūs esat skatījušies kādu no šīm filmām? Dalieties ar‍ savām atsauksmēm un diskutējiet par Latvijas kino nākotni mūsu sociālajos tīklos.

latvian Cinema Shines at the 2025 National Film Awards ⁢

The Latvian⁣ film industry⁢ celebrated its brightest talents at the 2025 National Film awards,‍ where groundbreaking works were recognized for their ⁣innovation and artistic excellence. Among the standout winners was Ginta Zilbaloža’s animated film “Straume”, which not⁣ only redefined Latvian cinema but also set a new ‍benchmark for global animation. ‌

“Straume”: A Masterpiece of Innovation

“Straume”​ was awarded the prestigious “Gada inovācija kino mākslā 2025” (Innovation in Cinema 2025)‌ for its seamless⁤ blend of technology and talent.The film’s creators proved that even from a home computer, it’s possible to outshine hollywood’s big-budget studios. As the award committee stated,“This film has⁣ rewritten and continues to rewrite not only Latvian cinema but also​ the history of global animation. It is a perfect synthesis of technology⁢ and talent, proving that with an idea⁤ and⁣ the⁤ will to create, anything is possible.”

The film’s success was‍ further highlighted by the LMT Special Prize, which awarded the team with drone flying training⁢ for five members.‍ This recognition underscores the film’s innovative use of cutting-edge technology in storytelling.

zane Oborenko’s “Kafka. Iemīlējies” Wins FIPRESCI Award

Another notable winner was zane Oborenko’s animated short film “Kafka.Iemīlējies”, which received the FIPRESCI Latvian Chapter Award. This accolade, presented by ‍the ⁢International Federation of​ Film Critics, honors the search for new cinematic language in local filmmaking. Oborenko’s work was praised for its unique storytelling and artistic vision, cementing her ​place as a rising star in Latvian animation.

A ⁣Global Jury of Experts

This year’s awards were judged by an international panel of experts from Latvia, Sweden, and⁤ France. The jury ⁣included renowned figures such as researcher ⁢and curator​ Zane Balčus, filmmaker Dzintars Dreibergs, animation consultant Olivjē Katerins, and producer Martijns te Pas. Their⁤ diverse perspectives ensured a fair and complete evaluation of the nominated works.

The Role of the National Film Awards ⁢

Organized by the Latvian Cinematographers’⁢ Union in collaboration with the National Film Centre and the Latvian‍ Ministry of Culture, the “Lielais Kristaps” awards are a cornerstone of Latvia’s film industry. Supported by ​the Riga City Council,⁢ the event continues to foster creativity and‍ innovation in Latvian cinema.

Key Highlights of the 2025 Awards

| Category | Winner ‌ | Achievement ‍ ⁣ ⁤ ⁣ ‍ ⁢ |
| Innovation in Cinema 2025 ⁤ | “Straume” by Ginta Zilbaloža | Redefined Latvian and global animation with groundbreaking technology.‌ ⁤ ⁣ |
| FIPRESCI Latvian ‌Chapter Award‌ | “Kafka.Iemīlējies” by Zane Oborenko | Recognized for ‍pioneering new cinematic language in Latvian animation. ‍ ⁤ ⁢ |
| LMT Special Prize ‌ ⁢ ⁣ ​ | “Straume” team ‌ ⁣ ‍ | Awarded drone flying training for innovative use of technology in ​filmmaking. |

A Luminous Future for Latvian Cinema

The 2025 National Film ⁣Awards not only celebrated the achievements of Latvian filmmakers but also highlighted the ​industry’s potential to‌ compete on a global stage. As “Straume” and “Kafka. Iemīlējies” demonstrate,⁣ Latvian cinema is ⁢a hub of creativity and innovation, inspiring audiences and​ filmmakers alike.

For more insights into the Latvian film industry, explore the⁤ National Film centre and stay updated on the latest developments in global animation.—
What are your thoughts on the rise of Latvian cinema? Share your views in the comments below!

Latvian Cinema Shines at the‌ 2025 National Film Awards

The Latvian film industry celebrated its brightest talents at the 2025 National Film Awards, where groundbreaking works were recognized for their innovation adn artistic excellence. Among the standout winners was Ginta ‍Zilbaloža’s animated film “Straume”, which ⁢not only redefined Latvian cinema but also set a new benchmark for global animation.

“Straume”: A Masterpiece of innovation

“Straume” was awarded the prestigious “Gada inovācija kino mākslā 2025” (Innovation in Cinema 2025) for its seamless‍ blend of⁤ technology and talent. The film’s⁣ creators proved that even from a home computer, it’s possible ⁣to outshine Hollywood’s big-budget studios. as the award⁣ committee stated, ⁤ “This film has rewritten and continues to⁤ rewrite not only Latvian cinema ‍but also the history of global animation. It is⁢ a perfect synthesis of technology and talent, proving that with an idea ⁢and the will to create, anything ⁤is possible.”

The film’s success was further highlighted by the LMT special Prize, which awarded the team with drone flying training for five members. This recognition underscores the film’s innovative use of cutting-edge ⁣technology in storytelling.

Zane Oborenko’s “Kafka. Iemīlējies” Wins FIPRESCI⁣ Award

Another notable ​winner was Zane Oborenko’s‍ animated short film⁣ “Kafka. Iemīlējies”, which received the FIPRESCI​ Latvian​ Chapter Award. This accolade, presented by the International Federation of Film Critics, honors ⁣the search for new cinematic language in local filmmaking. Oborenko’s work was praised for its ‌unique storytelling and artistic vision, cementing her place as a rising star in Latvian⁢ animation.

A ⁣Global Jury of Experts

This year’s awards were judged by an international panel of experts from ‍Latvia,Sweden,and‌ France. The jury included renowned figures such as researcher and curator Zane Balčus,‌ filmmaker⁢ Dzintars Dreibergs, animation consultant Olivjē Katerins, and producer Martijns te Pas. Their diverse perspectives ⁣ensured a fair and complete ​evaluation ​of the⁤ nominated works.

The Role of the ⁢National Film Awards

Organized by the Latvian Cinematographers’ Union in collaboration with the National Film Center and the Latvian⁤ Ministry‌ of⁤ Culture, the “Lielais Kristaps” ⁣ awards are a cornerstone of Latvia’s film ⁣industry.Supported by the⁣ Riga City Council, the event continues to‍ foster⁣ creativity and innovation in Latvian cinema.

Key Highlights of⁣ the 2025‌ Awards

| Category ⁢ ‌ | Winner ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ | Achievement ⁢ ​ ‌ ⁣ ‍ |


| Innovation in Cinema 2025 | “Straume”‍ by Ginta Zilbaloža | Redefined Latvian and global animation with groundbreaking technology.⁤ ‍ ⁣ |

| FIPRESCI Latvian Chapter Award ⁣| “Kafka. Iemīlējies” by Zane Oborenko ⁢| Recognized for​ pioneering new cinematic language in‌ Latvian animation.|

| LMT Special Prize ⁣ | “Straume” team ‍ ‍ | Awarded drone flying training for innovative use⁢ of‌ technology in ⁤filmmaking. |

A Luminous Future for Latvian Cinema

The 2025‌ National Film Awards not only celebrated the achievements of⁣ Latvian filmmakers but also highlighted the industry’s potential to compete on a global stage. As “Straume” and “Kafka. Iemīlējies” demonstrate, Latvian cinema is a hub of creativity and innovation, inspiring audiences and filmmakers alike.

For more‍ insights into the Latvian film industry, explore the National ‍Film Centre and stay​ updated on the latest ⁣developments in global animation.—

What are⁤ your thoughts on the rise of Latvian cinema? Share your ‌views in the comments below!

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