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LIDL Products | where they come from? The puzzling truth

What is the origin of LIDL products? And what is the convenience of the relationship between quality and price? You will be amazed.

LIDL productshave been the basis of daily or weekly shopping for many people for decades. The German company is very present in Italy and a good part of its thirteen thousand discount stores are present in our part of the world.

The entrance to a LIDL discount store (Pixabay)

The fact that it is a discount store sometimes leaves those accustomed to shopping for the house in other shores to turn up their noses. And in fact it is legitimate to ask the question: where do LIDL products come from?

Does the fact that they are cheap goods also raise questions? It actually comes of quality stuff? In fact, there are a couple of very striking examples that can easily leave you speechless, not only on the origin of LIDL products.

There are certified situations that place some of these LIDL products on everyone’s lips. But not in the negative as you may already be thinking. There is one example in particular which is truly emblematic in this sense.

LIDL products, where do they come from and how affordable are they actually? The examples

Right from LIDL it is possible to find what it is the best face cream. This is the Cien Day Cream Q10that it costs just 2.99 euros. And that in some recent quality tests it has clearly beaten the competition of other more famous and more expensive competitors in the sector. And whose commercials are shown on television on a daily basis.

Trolleys lined up at a LIDL
Trolleys lined up at a LIDL (Pixabay)

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And in any case there is also to be reassured in other areas. Because the goods offered for sale by LIDL are, more often than not, a sub-brand of well-known brands. Also thanks to this it is possible to combine quality and affordability.

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There is for example the “Riso Robigna” which is tied to the well-known “Riso Scotti” brand. And the “Fresh Fetta” breasola, who answers instead to Beretta. And again the breakfast products of the “Realforno” are linked actually in Colussi. And all these brands can be found at LIDL.

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Even ice creams are no exception, with Eskim items being that they respond directly to Algida and the classic truffle ice cream instead it must be traced back to Sammontana. So you need to be safe and spend conveniently.

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