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Lidia Tudor carries on the mission of Corneliu Vadim Tudor

Corneliu Vadim Tudor died on Monday, September 7, at the age of 65, following a heart attack. He had been in poor health for several days, had been to the hospital, but refused to be admitted. It was too late when the symptoms worsened.

Lidia Tudor recounted the last moments of the politician: “My father told us that it was his last day. He told us, “I’m having a heart attack and I’m going to die today.” We thought he would recover, we hoped until the last moment, when the doctors told us that there was no vital sign and they had to disconnect him from the devices “.

Lidia Tudor wants to continue the projects

Despite the material difficulties, Lidia Tudor undertook the mission of carrying on the work of her father. Corneliu Vadim Tudor held two publications, “România Mare” and “Tricolorul”, in addition to his political activity at the Greater Romania Party.

Lidia Tudor is not going to close the magazines, although it is clear that there are financial losses. “With God’s help, we will get over it. We have people around us and that’s the most important thing, “she said a few days ago. “I think his greatest wish would be for us to take Greater Romania further,” said Lidia Tudor.

First aid hand for Lidia Tudor

In the 25 post-revolutionary years, Corneliu Vadim Tudor made many enemies, but he also had reliable friends. This was seen last week, when Lidia Tudor received a positive signal: she will be able to run for Parliament.

Senator Haralambie Vochiţoiu, from UNPR, offered him a position of advisor, remunerated with 2,000 lei gross, according to România TV. Vadim Tudor’s eldest daughter has a few days to decide whether to accept or not. Regardless of the answer, Lidia Tudor can have hopes that the difficult period will end well.

Vadim Tudor did not let his family work

For Corneliu Vadim Tudor, the family was the most important element in his life. That’s why he didn’t let his wife or daughters get hired. Eugenia and Lidia Tudor benefited from all the conditions to dedicate themselves to the study, while Doina was the mistress of the house. The tragic end of the politician put them in an unprecedented position.

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