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License plate, new European framework directive comes into force: you only have 3 months to regularize it

New rules for cars with foreign license plates: the reform of the Highway Code provides that these are treated differently

The reform of the Highway Code, provided for by the art. 35, paragraph 3 of the new law which was confirmed last November 20th, in fact, explicitly concerns the use of cars with foreign license plates, which motorists use to avoid paying the taxes in force in Italy which are often higher than foreign ones .

The use of foreign license plates is often made possible by a “hole” in the law, according to which owners register their vehicles to foreign rental companies, which in turn register them abroad and rent them, on paper, to Italian citizens who use them.

This expedient actually serves to pay less for RC policies, particularly in the city of Naples, where many cases have been detected of cars with foreign license plates rented by motorists who want to “cheat” the system and pay less for insurance.

But the Government Melons, with the approval of the new one Traffic Laws, which has now become law, has decided to give a very important crackdown to this particular practice, deciding to force vehicles with foreign license plates to be registered in Italy after a limited period of circulation, and to possess an Italian insurance certificate.

Foreign license plates: re-registration within 1 year

According to the new rules, cars that have a foreign license plate will have to be re-registered within a certain maximum period of time, which the government will have to unequivocally establish and communicate to motorists.

According to the art. 13 of the Solvency II Directive and art. 1 of the association code. private, paragraph 1, letter. fff), registering a vehicle in a European Union state means that the insurance risk is referred to that country. So, as the site reports Brocardi Newsinsurance coverage can only be assigned by insurance companies of that State or that operate under the freedom to provide services (Lps) regime.

The crackdown on foreign cars serves to make people pay for liability insurance – pexels – F1World.it

Three months and not a day more

As if that were not enough, the art. 93 bis of the Highway Code, paragraph 1, specifies that a vehicle with a foreign license plate, owned by a person resident in Italy, can circulate for only three months; at the end of this period, the re-registration in Italy it becomes mandatory. Therefore, an Italian person who owns a car with a foreign license plate, according to what has already been established, cannot exceed three months of circulation. We will see what the new Highway Code establishes.

But things change if the vehicle belongs to a foreign entity and is used in Italy by an Italian citizen through a contract, for example a loan or rental contract: in this case, art. 93 bis of the Highway Code, paragraph 2, only requires registration of the foreign license plate in the Foreign Vehicle Register (Reve) within 30 days, even if not consecutive. There is no obligation to take out insurance.

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**What measures are being taken to ensure that foreign visitors understand the new regulations regarding vehicle registration and the potential consequences of non-compliance?**

## Interview: Navigating the New Rules for Foreign License Plates


Welcome to World Today News, where we delve into the ⁤latest developments shaping our world. Today, we’re discussing the recent reform of the Italian ​Highway Code and its implications for drivers with foreign license plates. ​We’re joined by two distinguished guests: [Guest 1 Name & Expertise], ‍and [Guest 2 Name & Expertise].

**Section 1: Understanding⁤ the Motivation Behind the⁢ Reform**

* **Interviewer:**⁢ [Guest 1], the article highlights a⁣ disparity in taxation and insurance costs as⁢ a key driver behind the increase in vehicles with foreign plates. Can you elaborate on the reasons behind this trend and its impact on the Italian automotive industry and insurance market?

* **Interviewer:** [Guest 2], what are your ‍thoughts on ‌the government’s assertion that these practices constitute “cheating the system”? Is this a fair assessment,⁤ or are there‌ valid reasons⁣ why individuals might choose⁢ to register their vehicles abroad?

**Section 2: Impact on Italian Citizens and Foreign Visitors**

* **Interviewer:** The new regulations stipulate a three-month limit for Italian residents owning vehicles with foreign plates. [Guest 1], how might this impact Italian citizens who frequently travel ‌or reside abroad, potentially owning vehicles in different countries?

* **Interviewer:** [Guest 2], what⁣ are the potential implications for foreign visitors who bring their own vehicles to Italy for tourism or extended⁣ stays? How might these changes affect their travel plans and expenses?

**Section 3: Balancing Fiscal Regulation with Individual Freedom**

* **Interviewer:** The reform raises questions about ‌the balance ​between enforcing fiscal regulations and respecting individual autonomy. [Guest 1], ⁤ how can the⁣ government ensure compliance while avoiding unwarranted restrictions on personal freedom and choice?

* **Interviewer:** [Guest 2], what safeguards are in place to prevent the potential for unfair treatment or ​discrimination against individuals who legitimately own vehicles‌ with foreign plates?

**Section 4: Looking Ahead: Future Implications**

* **Interviewer:** [Guest 1], how do you foresee these changes impacting the Italian automotive market and⁣ insurance landscape in the long term? Will⁣ we see a ⁤shif in consumer behavior regarding vehicle ownership and registration?

* **Interviewer:** [Guest 2], ⁣what⁣ advice would you offer to individuals currently owning vehicles with foreign plates navigating these new regulations?


The reform​ of the Highway Code ​signals a significant shift ⁤in the landscape of vehicle ownership and regulation in Italy. As we’ve discussed today, the implications are far-reaching and multifaceted.

Thank you to our guests, [Guest 1 Name] and [Guest 2 Name], for sharing their valuable insights. We hope this discussion has shed light ‌on the complexities surrounding this important issue.

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