Liberi tutti!, the new format of the Prime Time Entertainment Directorate, created in collaboration with Triangle Production, hosted by Bianca Guaccero, stops at the third episode. This was announced in a note from Viale Mazzini, after the program’s disappointing ratings, which fluctuated between 2 and 3% share.
“Rai 2, for prime time, also has the mandate to experiment with new projects”, explains the company note.
“Liberi tutti! is an original Italian format dedicated to the Escape Room phenomenon, very popular among young people, whose experimentation, unfortunately, also due to the highly competitive scenario on the day of broadcast, did not achieve the expected results. In agreement with the production company, it was therefore decided to interrupt its programming”.
“We would like to thank Triangle for the care and professionalism with which it followed the project and also all the protagonists: Bianca Guaccero, who with great generosity accepted the challenge, Beppe Iodice, the Guidonia Gemelli and the Naples TV Production Center “, concludes the note.
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2023-11-07 17:48:00
#Rai #stop #Free #episode #hour