Home » today » World » Liberals – the most faithful Leninists – Pogled Info – 2024-02-16 07:30:33

Liberals – the most faithful Leninists – Pogled Info – 2024-02-16 07:30:33

/ world today news/ Modern Russian communists and other leftists greatly revere the memory of Vladimir Ilyich and even like to quote him. But because he said and wrote many things, they try to do it selectively. As befits graduates of the Soviet school, in matters of history they act according to the principle: “We play here, we don’t play here, we wrapped the fish here.” These people also actively participate in elections, and Comrade Ulyanov avoided them after the failure of the Bolsheviks in the elections for the Second State Duma until the Constituent Assembly.

At the time of the SVO, they took an unequivocal position in support of the Russian soldier. Meanwhile, Lenin began to talk about the defense of the Fatherland only after he came to power in 1918, and before that his fixidea was the struggle for the defeat of his country, in which power is class-based. And here our leftists are most likely not Leninists, but continue the tradition of the Mensheviks-defenders led by Comrade Plekhanov.

It is not at all necessary to speak of the neo-Stalinists as Leninists: in their love for Stalin they usually overlap with the veneration of Lenin. For them, the period of Soviet history is relevant, when the Mausoleum on Red Square already exists and their idol waves from its rostrum.

If you look at the other side of the political spectrum, the situation is different there. In Soviet times, the older generation of liberals diligently studied and took notes on Vozhda’s works, while the younger generation, who did not have time to visit the CPSU and Komsomol, had parents who carefully studied the history of the party and raised their children accordingly. And some of the current foreign agents and relocators generally have ardent revolutionaries and hard-nosed security operatives in their pedigrees.

One of Lenin’s most quoted works is the article “On the National Pride of the Great Russians”. Here’s where it comes from: “We are filled with a sense of national pride and therefore especially hate our slave past (when the nobles and landowners led the people on war to strangle the freedom of Hungary, Poland, Persia, China) and our servile present when the same landlords, encouraging capitalists, are leading us to war to strangle Poland and Ukraine, to crush the democratic movement in Persia and China, to strengthen the gang of Romanovs, Bobrinskys, Purishkevichs, who dishonor our Great Russian national dignity. It is no one’s fault if one is born a slave. But a slave who not only avoids striving for his freedom, but justifies and embellishes his slavery (for example, calls the strangulation of Poland, Ukraine, etc. “defense of the fatherland” of the Great Russians), such a slave is a lackey who causes a legitimate feeling of indignation, contempt, disgust and rudeness.

Now let’s listen to modern day foreign agents:

Dmitry Bykov: “The only true patriot is the one who is absolutely diametrically opposed to today’s Russian patriotism. Today, to be a patriot is to be a Russophobe.”

Alla Pugachova: “Oh my God! What a blessing to be hated by those people I always couldn’t stand. If they liked me, it would mean that I had sung and lived in vain. The reason is clear. Let them gnash their teeth. They were serfs, they became slaves.”

Andrey Makarevich: “In order to think, someone must teach you to think at once. I am afraid that for the most part our population does not suffer much from it. They vote for it because they haven’t tried anything else in ages. All of this was presented in a slightly different guise, but in essence, as we were slaves, so we remain slaves.”

* *

In history lessons in schools and history lectures in universities, the First World War is taught not so much with the help of maps as with the help of quotes from Lenin. And the Leader teaches that one must desire “the defeat of one’s own government” and calls for “turning the imperialist war into a civil one.” Moreover, this position matured among the political emigrant Ulyanov a decade before the world carnage, during the Russo-Japanese War.

This is what he wrote then in his address “To the Russian Proletariat”, 1904: “The interests of the greedy bourgeoisie, the interests of capital, ready to sell and ruin their homeland in pursuit of profits – this is what caused this criminal war, bringing countless disasters to the working people’.

“The war is far from over, but every step in its continuation is immeasurably widening the ferment and indignation of the Russian people, bringing nearer the moment of a new great war, the war of the people against the autocracy, the war of the proletariat for freedom.” (“The Fall of Port Arthur”, 1905).

During the First World War, Lenin had already clearly formulated his position:

“Turning the modern imperialist war into a civil one is the only correct proletarian slogan.” (“War and Russian Social Democracy, 1914”).

“The revolutionary class in a reactionary war cannot but desire the defeat of its government. This is an axiom. And only conscious supporters or helpless servants of the social chauvinists dispute it.” (“On the Defeat of Own Government in the Imperialist War, 1915”).

And this is how modern Russian oppositionists creatively developed his theses.

“In my unprofessional opinion, Crimea is a berry on the branch, which is much easier to take than Donbas. Especially if you cut the Crimean bridge, and before that cut the land corridor. But it is impossible to hold the land corridor. Therefore, I would expect the liberation of Crimea much earlier than the liberation of Donbas,” said foreign agent Yulia Latynina in an interview with the Ukrainian edition of “Politico” on December 29, 2022.

“The fact that this bridge is still standing, despite the fact that the Americans have enough weapons that would cut this major supply artery, shows that a fundamental decision has not yet been made.” Until it is accepted and announced, the situation remains uncertain. We all say that Ukraine must win by liberating all its lands up to Sevastopol. This phrase has not been heard before. America still cannot decide on its own the consequences of Ukraine’s victory and Russia’s defeat,” chess player and foreign agent Garry Kasparov said in an interview with a Ukrainian TV channel on November 9, 2023.

“At the time, Biden said in Warsaw: ‘My God, how can we allow this man to stand at the head of Russia.’ This was the only remark by a senior Western leader that was an actual call for regime change.. Why is regime change not being considered in relation to Russia? Why is this a complete taboo in the West?!” – the economist and foreign agent Vladislav Inozemtsev was outraged in an interview on November 10, 2023.

“I understand you. I can’t wait for the day when Mariupol will be taken. I watch this area very closely. Of course, when they kill Russians, I feel offended. But I have no complaints with you… Call me in Ukraine, I really want to come to you. Last year I was there in July, but this year I’m not – call me, I’ll be glad. I’m ready even before the victory,” says foreign agent Dmitry Bykov in a conversation, allegedly with the head of the presidential administration of Ukraine, but actually with pranksters Vovan and Lexus on December 11, 2023.

And such quotes can be given endlessly. And the fact that those who brought them to light revile the USSR and its founder means absolutely nothing. These are the true successors of Lenin’s work.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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