Home » today » World » Liberal Europe is helpless – View Info – 2024-09-05 11:49:26

Liberal Europe is helpless – View Info – 2024-09-05 11:49:26

/ world today news/ “Reckless referendums may bring Bulgaria the fate of Turkey”, warned the former prime minister

“Many waves are rising against the helplessness of liberal ideology in Europe, and this is something completely natural.” In this way, former Prime Minister Ivan Kostov commented in an interview for bTV on the rise of conservative politicians on the Old Continent and beyond.

“I am a person with conservative views and I do not welcome the liberal ideology especially in the face of its complete helplessness in the face of modern challenges – the complete helplessness in front of Putin, the complete helplessness in front of illegal immigrants, the complete impossibility to protect countries from terrorism (…), the complete impossibility to answered the question of the disintegration of the states, of their exhausted potential to integrate immigrants and minorities”, said the ex-prime minister.

According to him, this weakness leads to a decline in the quality of the workforce and a decline in welfare and an increase in inequality. “How can there be no inequality? One does not create anything and is irresponsible to the state, and the other creates everything and bears all the responsibility and at the same time must be guilty of inequality”, added Kostov.

The referendum may give birth to a Bulgarian Erdogan

According to the former prime minister, the political system in our country does not satisfy the people, and the institutions need reform. He addressed the prosecutor’s office: “Look at your rating and see how much trust you have.” Do you have the trust of the people (…) after you have failed so many times, after being helpless in the face of crime?”.

At the same time, Ivan Kostov is against the frivolous conduct of referendums on important issues.

The influence of Russia

Analysis of Ivan Kostov during the election campaign ranks Gen. Rumen Radev in second place for repetition of Russian propaganda theses (after Veselin Mareshki). He gave an example of the claim that European sanctions harm the EU and Russia equally, defining it as “crude Russian manipulation”.

“There are sanctions and counter-sanctions. The sanctions that the EU has imposed are mainly on individuals, companies and NGOs that participated in the annexation of Crimea and the aggression in Donbas. These are precisely targeted sanctions”, explained Kostov.

He commented that supporters of “Putin’s influence” should look at how much money has been given to fruitless projects such as “Burgas-Alexandropoulis”, “South Stream” and “Belene”.

“If Russia increases its influence on the Bulgarian political system, as it had during the time of President Parvanov, these things will happen again – this project will be resurrected, some new nonsense will appear, only for the taxpayers to pay,” Kostov believes.

Moderate for Trump

“Trump should not become an excuse for a weak Bulgarian policy. What Trump is doing clearly puts the interests of the Americans first,” Kostov pointed out.

In his words, the new American president implements a policy of neoconservatism, and the measures against illegal immigrants are not unprecedented: “These are all such things, which, by the way, are also done in Europe, at least by the countries in the Eastern Bloc. We made this fence first, if you noticed.”

“These liberal attacks on Trump are currently speculative,” the former prime minister noted.

What are politicians afraid of?

The former prime minister complained that after 23 years of vilification, no one wants to listen to his advice anymore.

“Part of the crisis in Bulgaria is due to the fact that experience is not respected by anyone, everyone here is inventing it again. The protest wave, one of the last, declared itself the biggest and the greatest, although it achieved nothing. These were incomparably smaller waves compared to what really rose and led to a decisive and great change under the pressure of the real energy of the people”, pointed out Ivan Kostov.

According to him, not a single politician has defended the Euro-Atlantic cause in recent times: “They are silent from the right, they are silent from the left, and from the center. Why are they silent, why are they gripped by this fear? How can such cowardly people go into politics? (…) Don’t go there to be dead souls, don’t go there to be voting machines!”.

Kostov took offense when his name was mentioned in the context of iconic names from the right, the political center and the left who have retired from politics. For several years now, Ahmed Dogan, at least officially, has not been directly involved in the work of the DPS, and Georgi Parvanov has left the leadership post in ABV.

“I don’t want his name to be put next to these names, I have nothing to do with these people. I do not consider that they contributed to what Bulgaria is at the moment. If they contributed, they contributed by their resistance, by making the task much more difficult. Some were building, others were demolishing”, Ivan Kostov was emphatic.

The reason? “The referendum can bring a totalitarian system to Bulgaria, as it brings an authoritarian state to Turkey. (…) The people, placed in the conditions of direct democracy, when they do not know how they should choose, can choose totalitarianism. The intelligentsia will then support this choice, dazed by social unity, and Hitler’s Germany and Fascist Italy will result. After that, they will all commit massive crimes. This is not democracy!”.

Ivan Kostov stressed that it is more important for Bulgaria that the USA keep its commitment to NATO and not give new grounds to the Europeans in the EU.

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