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Liberal Democratic Party Scandal: Power Corruption and Imperial Succession Stagnation

The Liberal Democratic Party embodies the idea that “absolute power corrupts absolutely”

Lord Acton, a 19th century British historian, coined the well-known saying, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Perhaps, as he said, he held power for too long?

Emperor Showa signing the Constitution of Japan on November 3, 1946 (Photo = PD-Japan-oldphoto/Wikimedia Commons

This is the story of the Liberal Democratic Party’s largest faction, the Seiwa Policy Research Group (Abe faction), which has long enjoyed the joy of spring in our world, as it is the faction from which former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who boasted the longest tenure in office in the history of the Japanese Constitution, came from. Suspicions that this faction was systematically “creating slush funds” by under-reporting political party income are currently shaking the Liberal Democratic Party itself.

According to Shiro Tazaki, a political journalist, “Even in political circles, there is a feeling that this incident will be as widespread as the Recruit incident in terms of scale.” In fact, the political situation has turned into a very serious one, with the Chief Cabinet Secretary, who is the keystone of government management, being replaced for the first time in about 19 years.

The issue of imperial succession will be shelved for a while.

Speaking of the Liberal Democratic Party, under Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, who has positioned the continuation of the imperial family as an “immediately important issue,” the Liberal Democratic Party has recently stagnated due to issues such as the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (formerly Unification Church). Momentum was growing to restart intra-party discussions to ensure a successful succession to the Imperial Throne.

On November 17th, the first meeting of the newly established “Council on Securing Stable Imperial Succession,” an organization under the direct control of the party president, was held, and Vice President Taro Aso, who had been appointed as chairman, “considered the nature of the matter.” “I would like to deepen the discussion in a quiet environment with a limited number of members,” he said. Mr. Aso probably believes that it is better to have discussions in the Diet quietly.

Meanwhile, once again, there is little hope for discussion in a “quiet environment.” All factions of the Liberal Democratic Party are busy responding to suspicions of “slush funds,” and the opposition parties are working hard to attack the ruling party, and the Diet will likely be unable to discuss matters related to the imperial family for some time. From this perspective as well, I cannot help but feel indignant at this new scandal in the political world.

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2023-12-31 00:01:57

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