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Liang Wenjie Violates Smoking Harm Prevention Law and Faces Fine: Health Bureau Investigation

The new version of the “Smoking Harm Prevention Law” came into effect in March this year. Heated cigarettes will be controlled and must pass health risk assessment and review before they can be put on the market. Deputy Chairman of the Mainland Affairs CouncilLiang WenjieIt was revealed that he had illegally smoked heated cigarettes at a dinner party, and the outside world questioned his privileges. Taipei CityHealth BureauToday, it was stated that although no reports have been received so far, a letter has been sent to Liang asking Liang to explain within 7 days. If the violation is true, a suspended fine of 2,000 to 10,000 yuan can be imposed according to law.

People’s Party Legislator Chen Wanhui broke the news yesterday that Liang Wenjie, deputy chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council, had received a public complaint for using heated cigarettes at a new trend high-level drinking party. He even took out photos to prove it, triggering heated discussions from all walks of life. Chen made a speech at the Legislative Yuan on social welfare and The Health and Environment Committee asked Minister of Health and Welfare Xue Ruiyuan to explain whether a penalty should be imposed. Xue Ze responded that the penalty should still be imposed. If the location is in Taiwan,Beishiit will be handled by the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau.

Lin Xuelan, director of the health management section of the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau, pointed out that the Dong Foundation has not yet received a report, but the media has successively reported that the health bureau has taken the initiative to intervene in the investigation. Today, it has sent a letter asking Liang Wenjie to state his opinions, and asked Liang to respond within 7 days. Relevant evidence will also be collected simultaneously. In principle, it is hoped that the investigation will be completed within a week. If Liang indeed breaks the law, he will be fined NT$2,000 to NT$10,000 in accordance with the “Smoking Harm Prevention Act”.

※ Remind you:smokesharmful to health

Liang Wenjie was miserable when he smoked hot cigarettes!The North City Health Bureau requires you to explain within 7 days that you have violated the law and may be fined up to 10,000 yuan.

The new version of the “Smoking Harm Prevention Law” came into effect in March this year. Heated cigarettes are controlled and must pass a health risk assessment review before they can be put on the market. It was revealed that Liang Wenjie, deputy chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council, smoked illegally at a dinner party…

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2023-11-06 09:23:08
#Liang #Wenjie #miserable #smoked #hot #cigarettesThe #Beijing #Municipal #Health #Bureau #requires #violation #law #punished #days #maximum #fine #yuan #Lianhe #News #Network

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