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Liability coverage within home insurance

The main function of insurance is to cover those risks that can cause us losses. In this case, one of the worst damages are those in which we cause damage to others (what in Law is called “a third party”). For this there is civil liability insurance or RC. That is why professionals and individuals, whether on their own initiative or by obligation of the law, contract their insurance with civil liability. At home, for vehicles, pets, travel, gyms … etc. In fact, many of the insurance you take out include civil liability, such as home insurance. We explain below a series of situations in which it protects you.

Civil liability is not claimed only to professionals or businessmen. Also in the most intimate sphere, which is that of the home and the family, we can cause damage to third parties that we have to repair. That is why the family insurance par excellence, home insurance, also covers the family itself and the acts that it may commit. This is often called the civil liability of the head of the family and, the truth is, few people are aware of the varied range of situations that it can cover (although you must not forget that generic exhibitions like this cannot replace the reading of your contract for sure, which is the one that will tell you, in your particular case, what types of things you have covered, and which ones are not).

What is the civil liability of the head of the family?

In the first place, the CR of the head of the family, understood as the person who is in charge of the family unit, encompasses all the people and other beings who depend on him. This includes three broad categories: dependent minors, domestic staff, and pets. All three can cause harm to third parties.

Situations covered by home insurance liability:

  • Children playing with the ball or other objects that break a neighbor’s glass or similar …
  • Damage caused by any solid or liquid object that falls from the house onto the street, causing damage. The traditional case of the flowerpot, which happens more times than you imagine.
  • All owners of pets are obviously responsible for the damage they cause to people, things or other animals. It is good that you review the limits of the home contract because although it includes coverage in this regard, it may reach the thresholds set by law.
  • They also cover eventual damages caused by practicing non-federated (amateur) sport. For example, when you go out with the bike. But remember, do not be confused: we are talking about CR, that is, the damage that you cause someone with your bike. The RC does not cover damages to your own bike or damages suffered by yourself if you are the cause of the accident.
  • The RC covers the damages suffered by people and things inside your house. A coverage that can protect you in the event that you invite friends or family to your home because you are going to cook yourself, then it turns out that some product in poor condition causes intoxication. Your home RC insurance can cover the damages caused to your relatives

So, read your home insurance contract well because it can save you from the most unexpected situations.

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