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Li Qiang co-chaired the 24th China-EU Leaders’ Meeting with European Council President Michel and European Commission President von der Leyen – Fuxin Municipal People’s Government Public Information Network

Li Qiang co-chaired the 24th China-EU Leaders’ Meeting with European Council President Michel and European Commission President von der Leyen

Date: 2023-12-08
Views: 87
Source: Chinese government website
Editor in charge: Jia Jingjing

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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 7th: Premier Li Qiang of the State Council co-chaired the 24th China-EU Leaders’ Meeting with European Council President Michel and European Commission President von der Leyen at the Great Hall of the People on the afternoon of December 7th.

Li Qiang said that President Xi Jinping met with the two presidents to provide strategic guidance on further deepening China-EU relations. Today’s world is undergoing tremendous changes. We must find the “unchanged” that we must always adhere to from the changes, that is, persist in dialogue and oppose confrontation, persist in cooperation and oppose “decoupling”, persist in peace and oppose conflict, and better grasp the direction of China-EU relations. direction. China is willing to work with the EU to adhere to the correct positioning of the comprehensive strategic partnership, seek common ground while shelving differences, seek common ground and resolve differences, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation and multilateral coordination, and further enhance the stability, constructiveness, mutual benefit and global nature of China-EU relations, and create a better future for Asia and Europe. and make greater contributions to the prosperity, stability and development of the mainland and the world.

On the afternoon of December 7, Premier Li Qiang of the State Council co-chaired the 24th China-EU Leaders’ Meeting with European Council President Michel and European Commission President von der Leyen at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Weibing

Li Qiang pointed out that China is willing to actively explore more mutually beneficial cooperation models with the EU and strive to continuously inject new momentum and vitality into bilateral relations. Further expand the scale of two-way trade and investment, continue to improve the level of trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, deepen green partnerships, actively establish digital partnerships, and intensify people-to-people and cultural exchanges. China opposes violating the basic norms of market economy and politicizing and securitizing economic and trade issues. We hope that the EU will prudently introduce restrictive economic and trade policies and use trade remedy measures to keep its trade and investment markets open.

Michel and von der Leyen said that EU-China relations are one of the EU’s most important external relations, and the EU is willing to be China’s credible and reliable partner. The EU adheres to strategic independence and is willing to advance high-level dialogue with China, enhance mutual understanding, reduce misunderstandings, deepen cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, agriculture and food, climate change, artificial intelligence and other fields, and work together to address global challenges and promote world peace, stability and prosperity.

Both sides fully affirmed the successful holding of this year’s China-EU high-level dialogue on strategy, economy and trade, environment and climate, and digital fields, and will continue to successfully organize institutional dialogues at all levels in various fields. The two sides will adhere to two-way openness, mutual benefit and win-win results, oppose “decoupling and disconnection”, provide a fair and non-discriminatory business environment for each other’s companies, and insist on properly resolving differences through dialogue and consultation. The two sides will deepen cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, green, geographical indications, and intellectual property rights, make good use of the export control dialogue mechanism, explore the establishment of a China-EU early warning mechanism for key raw materials, and build a stable and mutually trusting supply chain partnership. The two sides will strengthen cooperation in carbon emissions trading and support the extension of the Memorandum of Understanding on the bilateral carbon emissions trading system. The two sides agreed to hold a meeting of the China-EU High-Level People-to-People Exchange Dialogue Mechanism and accelerate the resumption of flights and personnel exchanges. The two sides will uphold and practice multilateralism, strengthen coordination within the United Nations and other multilateral frameworks, promote necessary reforms in the WTO, work together to address global challenges such as food security, climate change, and public health, and promote the second phase of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The 18th Conference of the Parties achieved positive results. Both sides agreed to strengthen communication on major international and regional issues and promote political settlement of hot-spot issues.

Wu Zhenglong attended the meeting.

2023-12-08 08:39:03
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