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Li Jiuzhe and his wife separated for 6 months! Xiang Maqian shouted that 8,000 pink eyes were blinded from the air |

Reporter Fang Jialin / Taipei Report

“Not funny! No effects! The whole process is real!” The sports reality program “All-Star Games” co-produced by TTV and Sanli held a flagship concert at the Taipei Arena today (3rd), combining sports for the first time The concert is also the first time that the show has opened audiences to watch the championship game. After the first game ended this evening, the morale of both sides was very excited, and the audience was very excited. Before the second game started, the reporter Zhuo Jun Ze Wei interviewed Li Jiuzhe of the red team and asked his wife Ma Qian if he had cheered him up today. He did not expect Li Jiuzhe’s response and blinded nearly 8,000 fans at the scene.

▲Li Jiuzhe revealed the content of the conversation with his wife Soma Qian. (Photo/Photographed by reporter Yang Shu)

Li Jiuzhe, who returned to work in Taiwan in July last year, has been unable to rendezvous with his wife Sang Ma Qian for more than half a year due to work relations and the impact of the epidemic. When asked if he had contacted his wife before the game, Li Jiuzhe laughed and said that the two had called. His wife, Ma Qian, also cheered for her husband and said that no matter what the final result of the game was, “I will still love you.” As soon as she said this, everyone on the scene immediately fell into a pink bubble, which was quite touching.

▼▲Led by Yao Yuanhao and Hu Yuwei, the red and blue teams are full of fighting power. (Photo/Photographed by reporter Yang Shu)

As for Qiu Yuchen, another member of the blue team, also shouted: “Enjoy every moment and enjoy the applause you give us.” As for the netizen asked: “What else can Qiu Yuchen do?” Qiu Yuchen said confidently: “I won’t let my teammates lose”, and the deputy captain Xia Hexi was asked, “What kind of cosmetics does Xixi use? Would you recommend it to me?” Xia Hexi said wittyly, “I just wake up in the morning like this. make up”.

▲A total of 8,000 fans were attracted to watch the championship game today. (Photo/Photographed by reporter Yang Shu)

Today’s concert cost 10 million, 90% of tickets sold, and a box office of more than 17 million. “All-Star Games” not only performed well in TV ratings, but also triggered enthusiastic support and discussion from netizens on the Internet. The program has now been broadcast 13 The episode has accumulated 17 million views on YouTube, and the number of simultaneous online viewers of each live broadcast exceeded 25,000. The video reached the fever list within 12 hours of being online, and the channel exceeded 180,000 subscriptions in a short period of time. Not only set an amazing record for Taiwanese TV programs to advance to the Arena in less than a season, but also set off a wave of sports throughout Taiwan.

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