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‘LGBTI people discriminated against and threatened’ in the Ter Apel asylum asylum incident

Three LGBTI asylum seekers have been discriminated against, threatened and mistreated in the asylum seekers’ center in Ter Apel, the LGBT Asylum Support association reported. The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) confirms that there was an incident last Tuesday, without going into further detail.

The interest group for LGBTI asylum seekers writes: Facebook that one of the residents invaded the protected LGBTI department of the asylum seekers’ center. There he would have threatened the victims because he wanted sex. The incident would have been recorded.

lewd groping

Furthermore, the aggressive asylum seekers’ center is said to have tried to assault LGBTI people in the protected ward. The COA can only say that there was indecent groping and that a report has been made. Police are aware of the incident, but would not comment on it.

According to Sandro Kortekaas of LGBT Asylum Support, the victims were deeply touched because they thought they were safe in their LGBTI unit. COA emphasizes that the organization is doing its best to guarantee the safety of all residents. According to the spokesman, the security officers did everything they could to ensure that the situation was brought back under control.

rainbow stickers

According to Kortekaas, the COA has asked the residents of the LGBTI department to remove expressions of their sexuality, such as rainbow stickers, LGBTI magazines and images from them.

The COA says that sometimes residents are asked to remove items that could be offensive to fellow residents. “That only applies to things that can be seen in public space.” Whether that also happened after this incident, the spokesperson is not sure.

1 thought on “‘LGBTI people discriminated against and threatened’ in the Ter Apel asylum asylum incident”

  1. This inaction is the result of the left having put themselves in an impossible position: wanting to stand up against lgbt violence but also dismissing any criticism on Islam. Heck, they even call reports on lgbt violence enacted by Muslims islamophobic. Some politicians rather want to live with their head buried in the sand then to tackle the problem.


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