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Lexus Alcobendas Rugby tightens the League

The Lexus Alcobendas Rugby has expired this Sunday 30-32 to Barça Rugby on the first day of the second phase of the Honor Division League and takes hold in the second position in the ranking with 18 points, just one behind the leader Vrac Quesos Entrepinares.

In a match postponed due to a coronavirus outbreak, the Lexus Alcobendas Rugby has cut points with the head of the table after a victory suffered in La Teixonera. The Madrid team has added four trials but has not obtained a bonus point as they did not win by 3 difference, so they accumulate 18 points to 19 for Vrac.

From the beginning the meeting was very close, with two teams that bet on the attack game. The scoring was opened with a penalty kick scored by Javi lopez but quickly the Barça reacted and balanced the balance. The Lexus Alcobendas went to rest with two tests (Mikaele Tapili and Jano Cherr) by none of the locals, which left the score at 9-17.

The second half started with a very strong Lexus Alcobendas and with high pressure he got two almost consecutive tests of Mauricio Londoño and of Ignacio Martinez. But Barça did not give up and responded with another two trials (Michael Hogg and Joan Losada) that left the light with a tight 23-29 for Madrid. All to be decided with twenty minutes to go.

The Barça tried the traced back but the box of Tiki Inchausti he defended himself with order. In the absence of four minutes a penalty kick transformed by Javi López certified the visitor’s victory.

Next Sunday, Lexus Alcobendas Rugby will host the University of Burgos-Bajo Cero in Las Terrazas on the second day of the second phase of the League.

Barça Rugby 30 – Lexus Alcobendas Rugby 32

Field: La Teixonera (Barcelona)

Barça Rugby: Nicolás Zafaroni, Xavier Cebrián, Julio Spezialli, Imanol Urraza, Javier Lagioiosa, Rochedi Mirabet, Joan Soler, Michael Hogg, Pedro Cane, Otger Sirvent, Pau Aira, Daniel Barranco, Joan Losada, Bruno Granell and Pablo Ortiz.

Other players: Marcos Muñiz, Óscar Mato, Ramiro Cetti, Tobías Pager, César Ocampo, Tobías Bunge, Felipe Alegría and Artiom Kovalenko.

Coach: Sergio Guerrero.

Lexus Alcobendas Rugby: Federico Villegas, Santiago Ovejero, Luis Aranda, Niels van de Ven, Matías Cabrera, Luciano Molina, Mikaele Tapili, Agustín Schab, Mauro Perotti, Javi López, Sergio Molinero, Valerio lo Sasso, Jano Cherr, Mauricio Londoño and Guillermo Dominguez.

Other players: Jorge Fuente, Damián España, Gavin van den Berg, Adrian Hall, Olmo Rodríguez, Ignacio Martínez, Guillermo Fernández-Simal and Xabier Martín.

Coach: José Ignacio Inchausti.

Referee: Pedro Montoya.

Cards: no cards.

Scoreboard: 0-3. Minute 17, penalty kick from Javi López; 3-3. Minute 20, penalty kick from Otger Sirvent; 3-10. Minute 25, essay by Mikaele Tapili and transformation by Javi López; 6-10. Minute 31, penalty kick from Otger Sirvent; 9-10. 34th minute, penalty kick from Otger Sirvent; 9-17. Minute 37, essay by Jano Cherr and transformation by Javi López; 9-22. Minute 42, essay by Mauricio Londoño; 9-29. Minute 52, essay by Ignacio Martínez and transformation by Javi López; 16-29. Minute 56, essay by Michael Hogg and transformation by Otger Sirvent; 23-29. Minute 60, essay by Joan Losada and transformation by Otger Sirvent; 23-32. Minute 76, penalty kick from Javi López; 30-32. Minute 79, essay by Pau Aira and transformation by Otger Sirvent.

Observations: a minute’s silence was observed for the death of the grandfather of Javi López, Lexus Alcobendas Rugby player.

Photos: Adrián Quiroga

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