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Levits calls to be aware that the current difficulties are temporary and insurmountable – in Latvia – News

The President emphasized that care for each other and humanity, foresight, which allows us to see new opportunities today, as well as common consensus, making the Latvian state safe, proud and beautiful, are also necessary.

“This year, in an emergency, we are celebrating the founding of our country quieter than usual. We are temporarily forced to slow down the pace of our lives. This is not easy for anyone. But it is necessary to save lives and protect health to prevent the economy from slipping even faster. “This global crisis will be overcome next year,” Levits said.

The President reminded that the words “God bless Latvia!”, Which is a people’s prayer, address us as importantly as always, and they are words of the people’s will and strength – a song that became the national anthem before the decision of the Constitutional Assembly.

“” Let us have a happy diet there, “the words of the anthem sound. It doesn’t seem to be the time when we can’t come together to celebrate our country’s anniversary, attend our army parade or celebrate fireworks. However, even today we think of these words – the same The same words “Let us win there, eat us’ in Latvia,” sung by Lidija Dorinina-Lasmane and countless other Latvians in Siberian legions, where the anthem gave hope for shelter. to survive, “said Levits.

He pointed out that 100 years as the national anthem, but even longer – for almost 150 years – “God bless Latvia!” sounds in our country in peaceful, happy and tragic times for the people.

Levit emphasized that the anthem is older than the country, it is a song that helped the country to become. “Initially, an eye-catching Russian tsar’s censor banned the name Latvia, instead allowing only the Baltics to be mentioned. He sensed the energy that the name of Latvia, sung loudly, would give to Latvian self-confidence. “The name helped the nation ‘s longings. The name helped to become a state,” said Levits.

The President emphasized that the words “Let us win a diet there in Latvia” express the will and awareness of the people of their rights, because the dream of “Us in Latvia”, which came true on November 18, 1918, had yet to be defended in the battles of the War of Independence. The “de iure” recognition of Latvia, which will soon celebrate its centenary in January, has internationally affirmed the natural rights of this nation.

Levits reminded that the words “Us’ in Latvia!” The Latvian people did not forget during the occupation and sang when they had to regain their independence, as well as the fact that the words of the anthem “Let us win there diet in Latvia” include a deeper picture of ourselves, our people and our future.

“We want to build our country and our country freely, without interference and without hindrance -” Us’ Latvia. “We do not ask permission, we confirm our will. we “and” us “. Latvia is ours, we all want to be happy there together. It is a very democratic affirmation. We all participate in making Latvia the way we want it. We are special. We all take responsibility for what we have in common and for each other, said Levit.

The President emphasized that the “happiness” sung in the anthem is not just aspirations or dreams, it includes determination and will, the will inherent in the human essence and naturally inherent in the nation as a whole to make life better and happier.

“Happiness as perfection to strive for, a goal that always moves away, because what has been achieved will never be so good that it cannot be even better. The fulfillment of perfection is always in the future, but in doing so we do today’s work,” Levits said.

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