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Leukemia, Recognize and Early Detection Comprehensive Education from Siloam Hospitals Surabaya

dr. Een Hendarsih, SpPD-KHOM in a webinar event held by Siloam Hospitals Surabaya, Tuesday (22/2) through the Zoom application on health talk education.

Surabaya, Bhirawa

Leukemia, also known as blood cancer, is caused by the body producing too many abnormal white blood cells. Leukemia can occur in both adults and children.

Leukemia is often difficult to detect because the symptoms resemble those of other diseases. Early detection needs to be done so that leukemia can be treated quickly.

The latest data from Globocan 2020 that Leukaemia has a death rate that is almost the same as the number of cases that occur.

“So maybe ordinary people understand or know that Leukemia is white blood cells that eat red blood cells and platelets,” said dr. Een Hendarsih, SpPD-KHOM in a webinar event held by Siloam Hospitals Surabaya, Tuesday (22/2) through the Zoom application for health talk education in Surabaya.

Continuing his education dr. Een Hendarsih, SpPD-KHOM who is a specialist in Internal Medicine Consultant Hematology Medical Oncology explained, clinically Leukemia is divided into two, namely Acute Leukemia and Chronic Leukemia.

Acute Leukemia is a type of disease whose course is relatively fast, deadly, and worsens. The symptoms experienced can trigger anemia, easy feeling tired, drastic weight loss, easy bleeding, frequent infections, loss of appetite, bone and joint pain, swelling of the lymph nodes, and sweating at night, this occurs due to high body burning.

Meanwhile, Chronic Leukemia is a type of disease whose course is not fast so that it has a longer life expectancy. With the usual symptoms experienced in general, 25% are asymptomatic, and it was only discovered after the patient did MCU, the body weight also decreased, there was an enlarged spleen.

“It is often encountered when patients come with complaints of feeling pain in the abdomen and feeling something is up,” said dr. Een Hendarsih, SpPD-KHOM a specialist in Internal Medicine Consultant Hematology Medical Oncology.

Causes and other factors of Leukemia is the presence of radiation. Meanwhile, several studies have found that radiology staff suffer from leukemia more often, and patients receiving radiotherapy also suffer from leukemia more often. It was also found that several people with leukemia were among the living victims of the atomic bombing in Hiroshima.

“Another thing that can cause Leukemia is people with Down syndrome who have an incidence of acute leukemia 20 times greater than normal people,” said the doctor who graduated from UGM in 1993.

The examination was carried out with the complete Hematology method, namely blood examination taken from peripheral blood vessels found in the folds of the arm. And examination of the bone marrow, namely the sternum, or the end of the calf bone, and the sitting bones.

Early Detection of Leukemia

Early detection of leukemia can be done at primary health facilities such as Puskesmas which have standard laboratories that can check routine blood and there are analysts. Detect or consult a doctor if symptoms appear, such as recurrent and prolonged fever or nosebleeds.

The symptoms of leukemia often resemble the symptoms of other infectious diseases, such as the flu. Examination needs to be done to detect early possible cancer and prevent the development of the disease.

If you are an active smoker and find it difficult to stop smoking, then consult with your doctor regarding steps you can take to quit smoking. Smoking is one of the factors that can increase the risk of leukemia.

Treatment of leukemia takes a long time. Regularly consult a doctor during treatment, even until the end of treatment. This is done so that the progress of the disease is always monitored by the doctor.

“Cancer can be cured or reduce the risk of death. This can happen with early detection. With early detection, if someone is diagnosed with cancer and requires aggressive treatment such as chemotherapy, then it can be given and the chance of recovery is higher,” concluded dr. Een Hendarsih, SpPD-KHOM. [dre.hel]

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