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Letters from readers: Incomprehensible, Australia vs Argentina, categories


I wonder why the Argentine Justice is so quick to request the arrest of Maduro and not that of the criminals who plague our country in all kinds of crimes. We Argentines want to see many criminals imprisoned for the damage inflicted on Argentina. It’s really not understood.

Esteban Lezama


Australia is often compared to Argentina, to know where we went wrong. Australia does not have humid pampas, nor huge rivers, nor fertile valleys. It is the flattest and driest inhabited continent in the world, with the driest soils. There everyone works 40 hours a week. From the age of 15, people work part-time. In primary school they teach the love of work, the benefits of saving and respect for private property. Children learn about the harms of alcoholism, drugs, gambling and bullying. Alcoholism is high but so are the penalties. In Australia, a country made up of convicts, the law is respected and security is almost absolute. There is no inflation or corruption. Taxes are few and everyone pays them. The effort is rewarded and that is why so many want to work and live there. But to live in Australia you have to work, a lot. There are no accommodations, no gnocchi, no planeros, no judgment industry. He who doesn’t do it well dies of hunger. They don’t spend their time talking about football or looking at the phone like in Argentina, where after all they work 4 hours a day. In our country we have to build 3 million houses and 60,000 km of double-track asphalt if we want to look like countries like Australia. There is much to do and to achieve it, much to change.

Sergio Dionisio de la Torre

DAYS 12,162,330

The Argentine tax system has several categories of taxpayers, but also three categories of non-taxpayers: a) Kirchnerist leaders who have their assets generously placed in the name of third parties. b) Judges. c) Ladies who work as escorts.

If this is not social justice, what is?

Roque A. Sanguinetti

[email protected]

With surprise and some discomfort I read the nation’s editorial of the 24th of this year. I find in the publication, on the one hand, a succession of easily verifiable errors in the truth and, on the other, a sum of hyperbolic qualifications. With respect to the first, in which it is said that the board of directors of the National Convention of the Radical Civic Union that I chair “breaks” the statutory rules of the party, it is rebuttable through the simple reading of article 53 of the statute (I take advantage to add that, among so many names that the note cites, it overlooks that of Ricardo Gil Lavedra, vice president of the Convention and legal expert, who is a member of the Table and who signed such a resolution with me and ten other members). Inexplicably citing in the editorial, as a source, an economist and not a jurist. Likewise, of the various other issues that the editorial tries to bring up, it refers that “Manes” (I suppose that includes Facundo and me in this case) encouraged the efforts to “enthrone Judge Lijo in the Court” and avoided the issue . Once again I understand that it is only a lack of rigor that is important, since it is – again – verifiable through a simple Google search of the speeches that Facundo Manes gave as a deputy in the chamber. I can also underline what I would have responded to the editorialist if he had asked me before publication: no, I do not agree with Ariel Lijo’s nomination for the Supreme Court of Justice. Regarding the second, I do not think it is a good journalistic option to assume as a style the tweeting resources of the flurry of qualifying adjectives or proper names in conspiratorial alliances without support.

Finally, the editorial talks about the desire to air out the party. I just wanted to remind you that this is what the successful experience in the province of Buenos Aires in 2021 was about, in which radicalism achieved the great flow of votes at the height of its historical maximums and thus made possible the result of the opposition coalition of that time, that defeated united Peronism for the first time. The candidate was Facundo Manes.

Gaston Manes

President of the National Convention (UCR)

DAYS 21,535,334

A/N: LA NACION ratifies the opinions expressed in its editorial.

As a Catholic, it makes me deeply sad that the Church in its eternal trajectory through history has not learned that getting involved in politics necessarily means getting dirty. The proverb “tell me who you hang out with and I’ll tell you who you are” has never been better applied.

Eduardo M. Ottolenghi

[email protected]

At 78 years old I have experienced different economic situations and I remember with nostalgia the ships of Empresa Líneas Marítimas Argentinas. With them, not only was our pavilion shown to the world, but it also provided work for our shipyards and our on-board personnel, but also provided currency for freight and many other benefits. The entire third breakwater of Puerto Nuevo and what is now the Quinquela Martín passenger terminal occupied its warehouses and spare parts warehouses.

When a country the size of ours gives up such an important source of resources, like so many other activities, I can only think of those Argentines who, with their preaching in the media, have ensured that today we do not have oil wells, electricity generation, river and maritime transportation. own. It would be desirable to have the memory to generously remake the great country that we once knew how to make.

Arturo IF Malvasio

THE 4.545.481

To put a stop to the salary increases of those in charge who manage the union and the administrations – a nonsense – the administrators should be forced to hold an owners’ assembly that would set the limits of their mandate, before negotiating. Outside of that, you will incur malpractice. That is until the parity is made between the employees and those who pay their salaries, which would be logical.

Mario of Ipola

[email protected]

Poverty rate and the Government’s explanation: “If we didn’t avoid the hypermarket, it would be at 95%”

“The disaster of years cannot be accommodated in a few months.” Estela Vaudagna

“Since the 90s, the same story: ‘it’s the other person’s fault’” – Angela Sciacca

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