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“Letter to the Editor: Baden-Baden’s Imposture and Delusions of Grandeur”

Baden-Baden, April 17, 2023, letter to the editor In a letter to the editor to the editor goodnews4-Wolfgang Holstein reader position.

Can’t you go one size smaller? The local print media, in particular, work tirelessly to convey the feeling of higher spheres to the citizens with phrases that border on imposture, so that they do not notice the need for renovation in Baden-Baden as far as possible.

Not so many years ago, a connection was even established between Moscow and Baden-Baden, and Baden-Baden was called “Little Moscow” in Germany. At that time, the rich Russian tourists left a lot of money in the city’s hotels, restaurants and shops, which unfortunately cannot be said of the Russians living here today. A few weeks ago, Baden-Baden (1 million tourists) was put on par with the Pyramids of Giza (14 million tourists) as a tourist attraction. That borders on a loss of reality, not to say delusions of grandeur.

Now on 13.04. in the BT their provincial editor with the headline “Baden-Baden is the Mecca of alternative practitioners” but one more. Briefly to enlighten the readership of said leaflets: Mecca is the holy city of Islam. There are 1.9 billion Muslims in the world and each of them should visit the holy Kaaba in the holy city of Mecca at least once in their lifetime. How one can come up with the silly idea of ​​comparing Baden-Baden to Mecca, and especially in the context of an insignificant regional event attended by relatively few participants, most of whom don’t even stay overnight in Baden-Baden, then understand the investment in the new health trend (Psycho) mentioned a few days ago. And if the Lord Mayor also describes this event as one of the most important congresses in Baden-Baden, then the counter-question may be allowed, how many congresses does Baden-Baden actually have? In any case, so few that the Kongresshaus cannot even earn the rent and, as always in the past, the landlord (City of Baden-Baden) has to waive it.

A statement by the mayor, according to which he describes Baden-Baden as a “sophisticated cosmopolitan city”, also fits the subject of imposture. One wonders from which per thousand point of view he arrived at this view. In short, imposture runs in the blood of some Baden-Badeners, and not just among journalists and politicians.

Wolfgang Holstein

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