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“Let’s take the fire that Rosario Castellanos left us with her work”

The writer and journalist Rosario Castellanos She was always looking towards the future. It is important that we, who are the future of that author who was writing in 1970, take the fire that she left us with her work.said poet and researcher Sara Uribe, who will participate in a commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the death of the Chiapas writer, which occurs today.

In an interview with The Daythe coordinator of the Rosario Castellanos Extraordinary Chair of Literature and Genres pointed out that the narrator He left us with a task to develop: to question the world and the oppressions that existed then and that exist today and, above all, the very important responsibility of asking ourselves who we are..

Uribe (Santiago de Querétaro, 1978) maintained that Any time is a good time to make Rosario Castellanos’ work resonate even more strongly, to take a fresh look with 21st century eyes at her creation that addresses very current issues and veins of thought..

The approaches that are known are She made of the oppressions on the native peoples and those against women, but the most valuable thing is to discover all those other Rosaries that we have yet to discover in her work..

He said that in his participation today in the academic and cultural day Rosario Castellanos: A unique glowat the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, will explore “all of his literary genres under the metaphor of fire, which appears again and again in Castellanos’ literature.

“Telling our stories by recounting our emotions, after the 1990s, has acquired value because it means that we are having the capacity to construct our subjectivity and, furthermore, as women, she was already doing it in her theatre, in the writing of her articles and columns and, primarily, in her letters.

In the second half of the 20th century, Castellanos was already doing with her epistolary work what many female writers do today through personal essays: making her own life, the story of her daily experience, her own emotions and experiences, a way of constructing women’s stories that allow others to reflect on them.

He stressed that Castellanos was a pioneer for her view of nature, which can be observed in Balloon Cannon y Office of darkness.“It offers us a transversal vision because it shows us in the materiality of everyday objects how they come from nature (…) Her gaze takes us to the earth, the origin and the roots. It could be a vein to explore about how Rosario was already looking in a more equitable and horizontal way towards everything that was not necessarily human.”

Rosario Castellanos: A unique glow includes the presentations of Woman of words: Articles rescued from Rosario Castellanos (FCE), with texts compiled and introduced by Andrea Reyes, as well as the reissue of Letters to Richard and a poetry reading. The detailed programme can be consulted at https://cieg.unam.mx/img/carrusel/JornadaRosarioCastellanos.pdf.

The event brings together the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, the Center for Gender Research and Studies, the Directorate of Literature and Reading Promotion, and the General Directorate of Publications and Editorial Promotion, all from UNAM.

Sara Uribe highlighted the comprehensive and systemic view of Castellanos, who studied philosophy and had the ability to understand the world in a global way; since then, she has been investigating why domestic work was not paid. “Her thinking is so relevant because right now we are talking about the fair payment that domestic workers should receive.

There are many gems of thought like these that show that he was looking to the future and thinking about these problems in a transversal way.This thought, more related to the 21st century, is found in the volumes compiled by Andrea Reyes.

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– 2024-08-08 15:35:08

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