“Persistence is a prerequisite! There will be many different challenges on the way, but it is important not to stop at the first difficulties and to continue,” is the conclusion of entrepreneur Linda Dambieniece-Migliniece, developing a business from scratch. In conversation with “Delphi Business” she shares her experience and reveals what helped the most.
Linda Dambeniece-Migliniece focused on the production of cloth diapers, developing the brand “doopsis”.
For the first year of operation of SIA “doopsis” (date of company registration: 01.12.2021), the owner has set several development goals, and the first results are already very close and visible: to become a social enterprise, as well as to create her own sewing workshop Madonna in the county.
The founder of the company also tells why, in her opinion, “Madona is the absolute best place in Latvia to start a business”, as well as why without Investment and development agencies of Latvia (LIAA) business incubator support for her company might not be there at all.