Home » today » World » “Let’s leave them to Nature, enough with this tragic farce”, those who want to sentence to death – Libero Quotidiano

“Let’s leave them to Nature, enough with this tragic farce”, those who want to sentence to death – Libero Quotidiano

Massimo Fini expressed an opinion as frank as it was controversial in his latest comment published in the Everyday occurrence. Speaking of Covid and fundamentalism, he first made a note to the government and in particular to Roberto Speranza: “I’m sorry for the minister who is a good person, but the communications from the government and its scientific committee are so cumbersome, complex and contradictory that I challenge any normal person to understand anything about it.”

The Green Pass is the latest example for Fini: “If they think they will drag us along for years with vaccines, vaccine boosters and boosters, they are wrong. The stress we have been enduring for two years is no longer sustainable. Not that we have the strength to rebel actively, we will do it by omission by refusing to be vaccinated ”. Fini is convinced that we are obtusely opposing Covid, prolonging its existence.

His solution is rather “final”, a provocation that will certainly have made some noses turn up: “If we had left Nature to do what it deserves, that is to thin out the population when it is in abundance, Covid would have died of starvation and would have lasted a couple of years. Besides me I don’t really understand why to save septuagenarians or octogenarians, generally suffering from two or three serious diseases, the lives of entire generations to which Covid could do nothing have been blocked. May the one who must die die – is Fini’s gloss – and let’s stop with this tragic farce ”.

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